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Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: WBOC and Fox 21 (DIRECTV)

Hi, Joe,

I came across your name and online publication based upon this story you’d written a while back.


I’m not overly familiar with the Delmarva community, but I wanted you to be aware of this current situation potentially affecting local TV viewers:


I work with DIRECTV on several matters surrounding our customers. You’ll see me quoted in this story, and once I saw that you write for the local community, I wanted to help augment any information you may not find for yourself on www.directvpromise.com.

For your background (rather than any direct quotes), what’s at issue is quite simple.

Neither DIRECTV or any other cable, satellite or telco media provider can offer ANY local broadcast station without that station’s express and legal consent.

But the law also specifically prevents DIRECTV or any other cable, satellite or telco media provider from NOT providing a local broadcast station into the community.

We must provide the station, and yet we also must have their consent.

So what’s now occurring right now is that WBOC and Fox 21 are threatening to withdraw their consent unless we obligate local DIRECTV customers to pay seven times more for the same shows they receive today for seven times less.

And don’t forget, they’re also available for free over-the-air, and their own networks make the best series available for free online via cbs.com and fox.com too.

I’m sure either you or I might welcome our own salary soaring seven-times over. I’m just not sure we’d be able to convince our neighbors to actually pay for it. Heck, you and I might even argue it’s justified or “fair” simply because you or I are the only ones who ought to decide whether we’re entitled to receive it.

I have no beef with WBOC or Fox 21 saying they deserve a seven times bonus.

But where we do have an issue is any station trying to rationalize such an overt entitlement by intentionally misleading their most loyal viewers into believing DIRECTV somehow poses a threat.

We cannot and will not remove either station from any local DIRECTV customers’ line-up. Period. Only WBOC or Fox 21 can do that.

So if the two stations truly believe they are worth seven times more than they are this moment, that they are seven times more popular, seven times better, seven times more trustworthy to Delmarva, they’re welcome to make that case.

Just don’t use your own newscasts and the trappings of true journalism to tell people to undermine their own interests to serve the same station’s financial interest.

Once upon a time, a general manager would go on the air with a nice suit or sweater and make a case for his own opinion. And people watching were clearly informed of that.

Maybe WBOC and Fox 21 just missed that class…or are willing to ignore it.


  1. Typical local greed. With our current council, mayor, county executive, etc... they are learning from the best, on how to milk the citizenship.

  2. I saw WBOC's ad for the first time this morning and this guy is correct. There is no argument, when you can get local channels, over the air for free.
    All you have to do is choose air and it will pick them up.
    Then you have the best of both worlds.
    Shame shame on WBOC

  3. If they are actually misleading the public, why doesn't Directv take legal action.
    Stick with cable. Those satellite dishes look like crap on the side of you house

  4. Very Good post. WBOC's ad rate is based partly on the number of homes it is broadcast to and watched by. WBOC will only hurt themselves by lowering the number of TVs receiving them.
    11:11 Cable is not available in all areas. People who live out in the country don't get cable. Generally you have to live in a town to get cable. Also some people don't like always having to pay more money each year for stations they don't watch. SAT TV has a lot of different packages that offer people channels they are interested in. Also over the air TV maybe free but if you live in Ocean City you need an outdoor aerial to get the signal.

  5. 11:11 sounds like a wboc employee. still boycotting directv.
    you do not need cable either.

  6. Great article. Thank you for telling us the rest of the story...and the real truth.

  7. I live in the country and have cable.

  8. The only reason I like this blog is that they tell the truth . FACTS ! Where else can you go or hear the truth on the news ? Answer is O news sources .
    WBOC sucks.
    This blog has made very few mistakes , when it does , they have let you know.

  9. Like AMC and the Weather Channel before this, it was necessary to live without `em for awhile to get their demands for too much money back down to a reasonable level.

    WBOC and FOX21 should learn from the mistakes of others, but it appears that for now, they have not listened. They are acting just as childish and greedy as TWC did, and they think that the outcome will be different for them now?

    I use DirecTV to watch WBOC as a convenience. I have the antenna and ability to receive their over-the-air signals for free. So I can watch them if I choose, whether DirecTV carries them or not.

    Remember, it's only been recently that they were added to the DirecTV lineup in the first place. We needed an antenna to watch the local stations for many years. Mine still works.

  10. I doubt the need for an outdoor antenna. I have an indoor one, bought if for $30 and I get all the air channels, no problem.
    If you use MPT as an example they have transmitters around the state.
    If WBOC wants to reach a wider audience then they need more transmitters.
    Instead of ripping off the public maybe they should be investing in their infrastructure.

    1. Around 15 years ago I had cable, dumped it as costs to me got higher and higher and the stations got less and less. Then about 8 years ago Verizon had the DirecTV package with phone and internet. Did that for several years until I finally got fed up with having to continually correct the overcharges by DirecTV, but had to go through Verizon and even though Verizon later found out DirecTV lied (I proved it to Verizon while on a three way conversation with DirecTV) I had already been forced to pay for a bill that I didn't owe or lose my Verizon phone and internet at the time. After proving my case, it to me over two years to get the overpayments that I made through Verizon back as smaller monthly payments of phone and internet Verizon payments. By then I had long dropped DirecTV. Today I still have Verizon DSL internet and phone. I could have DirecTV for less than $10 more a month if I wanted. I DO NOT, screw DirecTV, now and forever. I have an outdoor Phillips local TV antenna with booster. I get all 3 WBOC, all 3 WMDT and all 3 PBS, clear as a bell here in Selbyville. I subscribe to Netflix at $7.99 a month and watch all the movies a person could find the time to watch. If I need more there are several completely FREE online movie sites. At one point when getting my Verizon bill lowered to a now fixed rate for years to come, the Verizon rep said to me, you can get DirecTV for just a few more dollars. I told her, if it's FREE, I don't want it. No DirecTV thieves for me, ever again.

  11. WBOC and its out-of-town owner are screwing us again.

  12. Not to mention WBOC's lousy and biased reporting locally. Covers next to nothing of Salisbury and when it does, it sounds like it came out of the mouth of the mayor and the county executive.

  13. I lived ocean side in OC and couldn't get WBOC with an indoor antenna. Could get MDT,MPT,ION and sometimes even a station out of New Jersey but no WBOC.

    12:12 Try getting cable in Rabbit Knaw or Klej Grange.

  14. 12:12 I live in the country and do not have cable , it is not available in my area, but if it was, I would never have it, I've had it before and it was horrible I love my satellite!

  15. DTV is not at fault here, they aren't. I was a DTV customer for almost 20 years, best service ever. I only had to cancel it after my husband passed, not in my budget. I use antenna 'over the air' now, as I don't watch much TV.

    Management at WBOC pushing their employees to malign DTV for the company's financial gain is embarrassing for them, and it's obvious as they have to read that script.

    It's all about the $$. WBOC won't win this one, they won't.

  16. I could careless let alone give a rats ass. The 2 stations on the eastern shore suck, they are absolutely worthless as tits or a boar hog. They pick & choose what news stories they air. Grow a set of Balls and Man up. What are you afraid of stepping on the toes of some local yocal politician or someone from the Good ol Boys posse.

  17. wboc and wmdt are as entertaining as my living room wall.

    No, I take that back. I'd rather look at my living room wall.

  18. WBOC people who report just use the teleprompter like most of the stations. They really don't have a clue what they are saying or who it hurts. Most of the MSM do the same including your president obamie. Of course he doesn't have a clue either.


  19. Used to have cable and ditched it due skyrocketing rates and too much unwanted content. Miss a couple of events but life goes on.

    Get 9 channels over the air.

    WBOC's content has been on a downward trajectory. At some point local advertisers will take note... Oh, wait they already have. Fox cable has local ads which previously went to WBOC and WMDT by default.

    In this food fight most DirecTV customers will easily recognize that if the rate paid to WBOC goes up so will their bill. They also recognize that even for free WBOC is often not worth that cost!

    If WBOC loses the DirecTV customers they have to cut the rate they charge advertisers since their 'audited' baseline has dropped. Think WeBroadcastOnlyCrap ought to reconsider.

    Currently they seem to be spending 25% of their public service time disparaging DirecTV. When they do I switch channels.

    Update your resume Jehelka!

  20. Very Interesting. Thanks for the post...

  21. Greed is a wonderful thing....can't wait to see how all this shakes out.

  22. Asking for seven times - will settle for double (two times). It's just business.

  23. oh darn now if I lose wboc on direct tv I will not be able to watch the 20 minute list of donors to "bless our children" instead of news around the holidays.

  24. I have had Direct TV for almost 5 years now and did not realize that WBOC/FOX 21 was even available.

    IMHO - nothing missed is nothing gained. My advise to DIRECT TV - drop the bastards. Currently I feel as though I am already paying more than what it is worth.

  25. I don't have Direct TV - but I wish there was a real alternative to Comcast.

    WBOC is getting greedy - I hope they are not successful in getting their viewing base to harrass DirectTV!

  26. I cancelled my DirecTV but for other reasons. I don't have a favorite in this fight.

    WBOC is entitled to get fair compensation and DirecTV is free to draw a line.

    I disagree with 3:25. I think the two local stations are good. WMDT and WBOC compete head to head and discuss different stories. This is not a major market with four strong stations with tens of millions of dollars to spend sending reporters out everywhere; but, they do a fine job of covering local news.

    WMDT is going to be picking up more viewers for their news if WBOC is dropped. They've been trying hard with new HD, new sports, and new reporters. We will see.


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