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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release 7-7-14

DATE & TIME: Thursday, July 3, 2014
Case # 14-0115
LOCATION: Berlin, Worcester County, Maryland
CRIME: Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography
ACCUSED: Daniel Brynan Kerstetter (55 yoa)
CHARGES: 5 counts of Promoting and Distributing Child Pornography, 5 counts of Possession of Child Pornography

NARRATIVE: On Thursday, July 3, 2014, members of the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security, Maryland State Police and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office executed a search and seizure warrant at an address on Libertytown Road, Berlin, Maryland.

The search warrant was the result of several months of prior investigation which revealed that someone inside of the residence was sharing and downloading pictures and videos of Child Pornography.

Upon the execution of the search warrant, a lone occupant, Daniel Brynan Kerstetter was identified and found to be responsible.

Daniel Kerstetter was placed under arrest and charged with 5 counts of Promoting and Distributing Child Pornography and 5 counts of Possession of Child Pornography.

Kerstetter was taken before the District Court Commissioner and subsequently remanded to the Worcester County Jail to be held on a $25,000 bond.

INVESTIGATING DETECTIVE: Detective Corporal Alex Kagan


  1. look at that photo, this guy is a monster. pure evil. glad he was arrested before his perversion escalated.

  2. he looks like a baby toucher

  3. That is definitely an odd one!

  4. Animal lover no doubt.

  5. I believe his name was in the news not so long ago as well. I'll have to check case search.

  6. He was charged with sexual offences back in 2010 and was acquitted of all charges in 2011 by a judge in a criminal non jury trial. I guess when he finally ends up murdering a child, the judge is going to act outraged when common sense dictates this guy is a bomb waiting to explode.

  7. I would like to do a background check on him for child trafficking. In for a penny...in for a pound.

  8. The average pervert has had a career of over 200 victims before he/she is ever charged. You do the math on this one. Would like to know the name of the judge and the court system that let him walk the first time. The whole judicial system knows the statistics and they still let him off easy. Why? Perverts in high places?

  9. His back ground of criminal charges reads like the who's who of laws, I have seen it! It was so thick I thought the officer was bringing in a stack of paper to load into a printer!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Animal lover no doubt.

    July 7, 2014 at 11:06 AM


  11. Lock him up and throw away the keys.

  12. Creepy photo.
    Creepy person.

  13. 25,000 bond!!! R u kidding me. Someones children r still in danger. Judicial system sucks


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