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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sheriff, Feds Say Rancher Cliven Bundy Must Be Held Accountable

U.S. Bureau of Land Management officials say they agree with a Nevada sheriff's position that rancher Cliven Bundy must be held accountable for his role in an April standoff between his supporters and the federal agency.

Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie said Bundy crossed the line when he allowed states' rights supporters, including self-proclaimed militia members, onto his property to aim guns at police.

"If you step over that line, there are consequences to those actions," Gillespie told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. "And I believe they stepped over that line. No doubt about it. They need to be held accountable for it."



  1. this is what your government has come to. If you remember Harry Reid said, Bundy would be held accountable.. Looks like he making good.

  2. Aw man, I had my eyes glued to the news when that situation was going down. I thought it was going to be Revolution 2.0.

  3. They have been pretty lenient with him so far, surprised he isn't in jail by now.

  4. Wow, well now that is a novel idea, how about the government/Obama is made accountable for the mess they have made of this country!!??.

  5. The BLM had their snipers all set up aiming their guns at Bundy first. Self defense is not a crime. Besides, the BLM was actively shooting cattle and pushing them into pits they had dug to bury them, remember?

    I'd say the BLM needs to be held as accountable for starting the war in the first place.

  6. 3:21 Not one government entity can do any wrong, don't you know that?

    The lesson I took from this, is if I find some rare breed of animal on my property... S.S.S. /problem

  7. 2:01-it's coming as anybody with half a brain can see.

  8. Bundy should have settled this mess in court 20 years ago.I feel sory for him ,but he is wrong and the fed's BLM was wrong and totaly out of control.The BLM could very well caused a lot of good americans to lose their life. Thats whats wrong with this country,no one has any common sense and no one takes responsibility for their decisions.

  9. If they arrest him you might see a revolution

  10. Reid must have bought Gillespie. No real American would say something like that.

  11. Maybe that state trooper who beat that old woman's face in, can knock some sense into him.

  12. Of course they didn't say they overstepped boundaries & need to be accountable.

  13. They will find any reason even if they have to make up a reason....just to teach him a lesson. Obey and don't question the government

  14. He looks like Crocodile Dundee.


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