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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Why are police shooting so many family dogs?

Cops take heartbreaking action 'every 98 minutes'



  1. because they want us to shoot them?

  2. The one dog was a Beagle/Bassett mix. If that dog scares you, then you are too nervous a person and shouldn't even be allowed to have a gun, much less be a police officer. The worst part was the dog, was running back home when he was shot and killed after they missed the first time.

  3. because they have not self control, they are being trained to shoot first ask question last... ANd that its their word against yours and they will win every time because they have a metal badge...

    And because cops are scared pussies who if you have to shoot a dog for fear then you should not be a cop PERIOD!!!

    My question is, if these are war vets and all with training and the like, why the F are they scared of dogs when they were in WAR? I am pretty sure war is more fearful than a dog...

    Also the most important reason is because they are CONDITIONING YOU... NOT ONLY are cops pussies and shooting a dog proves this, but why do you think they call if 15 other guys to beat the crap out of one man or women?

    AGAIN I state a cop gets no respect and doesn't deserve respect when they go around shooting anything they want and they get away with it... Not to mention when they falsify records and plant evidence and run their mouth because they think they're hot shit... They put themselves in a position to use illegal but legal force... What I mean is they conduct illegal actions and when you resist, they can then use legal action against you and you will always lose in court if you don't get shot... More people are shot by cops than any one with a gun... They use excuses to break the law but you are the one who pays for it... They use brutality to make people submit and even when they are sitting on the curb in handcuffs they still abuse and beat you...

    Like I said, it is time cops got and eye for an eye... Maybe we should find their info and post it online for everyone to see... maybe we should get stores not so serve these people... We have to make their lives miserable like they do to us and to show them that outside of shooting them this is all we can do... If you don't do anything you are no different than the crooked cops and it will only get worse and one day it will be you or your family or friends...

  4. 9:44 - My opinion is that the overwhelming majority of police officers do not fit your description(s). Just like any other occupation or profession, they have a few bad apples. Please don't be offended, but if I'm in a life-threatening situation, I hope you don't mind if I call the police instead of somebody like you.

  5. I agree with the above but there are some occasions with pit bulls that they don't have any choice. Anyone with a gun should be allowed to shoot a pit bull if they feel threatened by it. Too many people, especially children are killed by those vicious dogs.

  6. If Marylanders were allowed to carry our own guns 10:05 we wouldn't need to call the cops, we could take care of our own business.

  7. cops are out of control. when they are not shooting dogs, they are pulling people over, profiling them. there day is coming

  8. The dogs, just like their owners, are not well behaved and trained. So of course the dog is going to act like an animal and lunge at the officer. The freaken owner does the same damn thing........Duh people. We need shock collars for the owners, not the dogs.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:44 - My opinion is that the overwhelming majority of police officers do not fit your description(s). Just like any other occupation or profession, they have a few bad apples. Please don't be offended, but if I'm in a life-threatening situation, I hope you don't mind if I call the police instead of somebody like you.

    July 8, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    I'm glad you stated it was your OPINION. Since that's all it is. You must be one of the few left in that percentage who still think most kops are good cops.

    Like I said, it is time cops got and eye for an eye... Maybe we should find their info and post it online for everyone to see.
    9:44 AM

    Yes, I would very much like to have that info. I already know of several from different agencies, but the more the merrier.

    Just think of me as a dog getting revenge, or an old man in a wheelchair, or an old woman getting pummeled by several kops, or....the list goes on ad nauseum.

  10. I would not say that is a family dog. This is a poor picture to use. Obviously the dog isn't on a leash. I don't blame the cops in many circumstances. The dog looks like a Rotty and many are attack dogs like Pit Bulls.

  11. Cops are being trained that their number 1 responsibility is to go home to their family.

    Read in between the lines...if they feel threatened for any reason, the pistol is how they rectify the situation. In their report, they just say they feared for their life, and they get off with some vacation time.

    It sounds good at face value. But by saying the magic words, they get away with murder. Sure, there will be situations where animals are a problem. But should you be able to shoot an old, deaf basset hound because he didn't obey your orders to jump off the couch and tap dance? No!

    Look at any example where the outcome is tragic, like where the lab was shot at a kid's birthday party and the cop responded to the wrong address. The dog was known to be well behaved, and you shouldn't be firing a pistol around children if you can help it. Because the report said that he feared for his life, he got off without any sanctions.

  12. out of control, there is no defense. If shooting people is the way they solve things, they need to be retrained. Just moronic

  13. At some point, cops stopped being Peace Officers and turned into Law Enforcement Officers. That's when the trouble started making itself known.

  14. I have seen first hand, both Ocean City Police and the Worcester County Sheriff's Dept. officers and deputies, go out of their way for dogs as well as other animals. If anyone in either of those agencies ever shoots a dog, I firmly believe it would be justified.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would not say that is a family dog. This is a poor picture to use. Obviously the dog isn't on a leash. I don't blame the cops in many circumstances. The dog looks like a Rotty and many are attack dogs like Pit Bulls.

    July 8, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    I will refrain from calling you any name and just assume you have not seen the VIRAL video of this heinous act by these kops.

    Prior to being killed the dog was on a leash. The owner subsequently put the dog in his car as the kops were headed his way to harass him.

    As the owner was being put into cuffs, I won't go into that detail, look it up, the dog got upset and protective.

    The dog got out of a partially open car window and went to his owners defense. However, the dog did NOT touch any kop. He barked a lot and seemed menacing but did NOT go near enough to any kop to do any harm.

    Instead of letting the owner regain control of the dog this moron decides to shoot it, only wounding it, not killing the dog.

    The video plays out showing the dog writhing in pain on the ground from the kops bullet.

    Now, just what the hell constitutes a 'family dog' in your mind?

  16. shooting was justified.. the dog was going to bite someone.

    1. And just what is it we have kept dogs for since the beginning of time. For protection from intruders. So now they should be shot simply for doing what we wanted from them.

  17. The cops are taking this way to
    far when it comes to killing dogs
    who aren't really a threat.

    If they are & the owner doesn't try to stop the dog----then yes,
    for the cops protection ---shoot
    the dog but for Gods sake ---give
    the animal a fair chance. I've seen to many videos where the dog
    was doing nothing except barking & they Kill them. That is insane!!
    They should have to pay the price
    for doing so too!!!

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    shooting was justified.. the dog was going to bite someone.

    July 8, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    do you often have sight into the future episodes? Naw, if you did you would've won the lottery by now and not be on here.

    I wish the dog HAD bit the kops. At least then he would've gotten some kind of revenge for being killed, and the kops would've had a semi valid reason for shooting it.

    They were just getting some payback against this guy for suing them. And now he has another lawsuit against them. Kops are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    The dog was doing what any dog is supposed to do, protect its' master. They seen the dog from up the block before they even approached. They could have, should have, let the dog owner restrain the dog and all this could have, would have, been avoided.

    But nooooooo. They gotta play tough guy and kill his dog. That kop will get his.

    More and more, everyday, I read crap like this kops do on a regular basis. Usually with no punishment, no reprimand, no nothing.

    I wonder if others have been thinking what I have been thinking lately?

  19. The police are crossing the line and they need be disbanded for the time being.

  20. I'm probably one of the few people on this board with similar personal experience. My hard-headed dog (mostly German Shepherd) got thru the screen door and cornered a MSP trooper in our front yard. The guy did have his gun drawn, but went to great lengths to avoid shooting. He damn near climbed a tree. I appreciated that. So quit painting all cops with the same broad brush. There's a lot of them out there like the guy I met - who made every effort NOT to shoot a 100+ pound mutt snarling and snapping at him.

  21. So quit painting all cops with the same broad brush. There's a lot of them out there like the guy I met 5:09 PM

    They ARE all the same. They turn a blind eye to the stuff that should not happen, even IF by some rare chance they are not a part of it.

    I don't care if he got your cat out of a tree and painted your front porch, until they get rid of the bad ones, THEY are the bad ones too.

    Two people rob, assault, murder some guy. Only one did all those things, while the other guy just stood by doing nothing.

    Are they both guilty?

    Of course they are both guilty. The other one did nothing to stop the illegal acts of the first, so he allowed it to happen.

    They both get jail time.

    Same thing with kops. They ALL get punished.

    Including the one who didn't shoot your dog!

  22. Let me see if I get this right, 7:36. A cop in Hawthorne, California shoots a dog under circumstances of which you are completely ignorant - and all 'kops' are complicit. So what's your profession? You think anybody in your line of work ever did anything sleazy? Do you consider yourself guilty by association? Kinda freakish line of reasoning, dude.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let me see if I get this right, 7:36. A cop in Hawthorne, California shoots a dog under circumstances of which you are completely ignorant - and all 'kops' are complicit. So what's your profession? You think anybody in your line of work ever did anything sleazy? Do you consider yourself guilty by association? Kinda freakish line of reasoning, dude.

    July 8, 2014 at 8:21 PM

    First, only you seem to be ignorant of the circumstances of this dog being shot and eventually dying.

    Second, if kops don't police their own, yes, they are ALL complicit.

    Third, trying to justify wrong doing by saying, "look at all the others doing it", is really the 'freakish' thing to accept.

    You really can't compare kops to any other profession unless that profession is somehow related to law enforcement since they are 'supposed' to be held to a higher standard AND have powers most of us do not.

    I have a whole string of adjectives I would like to call you, but it would serve no purpose. Others already know what type you are.

  24. Please don't be offended, but if I'm in a life-threatening situation, I hope you don't mind if I call the police instead of somebody like you.

    July 8, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    That might be bad for you. That guy would probably get there to help you faster than any kop, AND he would not harm you when he did get there.

    Don't call the kops unless it is absolutely, positively needed.

    A lot of people have found out the hard way that after they called the kops, someone got killed, needlessly.


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