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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Rick Perry Rejects Obama’s Offer to Shake His Hand on the Tarmac — Here’s the Texas Governor’s Counteroffer

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) has reportedly rejected President Barack Obama’s offer to briefly shake hands when Air Force One lands in Austin on Wednesday. Instead, the governor came back with a counteroffer.

“I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” Perry wrote in a letter to Obama. “I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue.”

Perry is referring to the high number of unaccompanied immigrant children and other illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in 2014. The Republican governor did meet Obama at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in 2013.



  1. Dont shake that commie dictators hand...he needs to do his frigging job..the border not being sealed is BUSHES fault but he now has the ball...SEND EM HOME...

  2. A governor with a spine!

  3. If I were Governor I would close down the airport and not allow the the Muslim to land there.

  4. Perry is a putz; and he will wonder why the President doesn't care for him. Greeting the President, any President visiting ones state is a sign of respect and courtesy of the office. Really low rent move by Perry.

    1. Maybe you would want Perry to bow to the king

  5. July 8, 2014 at 11:12 AM

    THATS THE POINT DUMB A$$ No one has respect for this Muslim

  6. 11:12 - it actually shows how we all feel....no respect for this waste of oxygen!

  7. 11:12
    What is even lower is when the President is using our tax dollars to fly to Texas for a fundraiser and NOT deal with the 'crisis' he has created and keeps saying action needs to be taken on.

    Fundraising, golfing trips and any vacations need to be put on hold until he can fix this problem.

  8. No one could pay me enough to shake obama's hand. I don't do ghetto in any way, shape or form. That counter culture is below me, and I won't lower myself. Good call from Governor Perry. He as well, is much too distinguished and refined to lower himself to shake hands with something so foul.

  9. Maybe he hasn't earned that RESEPECT yet

  10. And now, according to latest news reports, Obama has taken up Perry's offer and made time in his schedule for a substantive meeting. No response from Perry yet.

  11. Rick -

    offer to play golf with him -- then you can get some face time

  12. 11:12-A principled person who stands by their principles does not respect someone just because they have a title. You do not deviate from what you think is right just because of a title. It's not being true to yourself and your beliefs. Respect is earned not just assumed because of the title.

  13. 2:57
    I'm guessing the company your work for doesn't have a CEO with that attitude!

  14. Rick for President.


  15. Thank you, Governor!

    I'm sure OweBama made time to meet with the governor between the 3 fundraisers that actually brought him to Texas!

    Not holding my breath for that one!

  16. What a great governor!!!!

  17. that P.O.S and his other criminals that are in the white house do not deserve respect they deserve jail time and life sentences for treason and other acts against america.


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