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Sunday, July 27, 2014

WBOC Tells Viewers to threaten Direct TV

WBOC is asking viewers to call Direct TV and tell them if they drop WBOC you will drop Direct TV. 

SERIOUSLY? I have Direct TV and TRUST ME, the $2.00 fee per month is NOT a large expense, (for ALL local stations) as WBOC suggests. Even Craig Jahelka states it only cost their viewers a few cents per day.

NO, we will NOT call Direct TV to save WBOC's, well, you know what. I will not threaten Direct TV as I am NOT a follower. Yes, I truly enjoy Football and NCIS but come on now, there are other channels that carry the games and programs. 

If you want to fall for this crud simply because WBOC needs you, call WBOC and tell them that IF they want to pay your local fee each month, fine. If not, you'll drop WBOC. 

Remember, WBOC makes a small fortune on commercials and THAT is why they need you. No, I do NOT feel sorry for WBOC. You have to PAY to PLAY. 


  1. Like the buggy makers tried to stop Henry Ford and the Dodges!

    And radio stations tried to kill TV back in the day.

  2. you know it's not that often that I would agree with u but when it comes to this: I completely agree with youI really do not know what WBOC thinks it is..wasn't just a few months ago that WMDT also went through this and Hey look what happened after 3 or 4 days DirecTV got what it wanted

  3. I agree 100%. Plus WBOC is sorry. This company only broadcast news they want you to know. Instead of news you want to hear and see.

  4. Direct TV is garbage anyway. I tried it for a while and quickly changed. If you like quality, get cable. Anything that uses airwaves is not top quality. If you don't care about quality, get Direct TV.

  5. Craig Jahelka is Vladimir Putin 1st cousin. DIRECTV don't pay WBOC's ransom! WBOC is anti community and it's only concern is dollars. They use to be Salisbury's top news station but now is Dover's news station with a brief Salisbury local story for show from time to time. Shut Putin down. Call WBOC and tell them GOODBYE.

  6. We have direct tv and love it. Not one single problem or rate increase. We could care less about the local channels, which suck. We get east and west feed of the major networks. And prefer it that way.

  7. Looks like Wboc is getting desperate. They are finding out the world doesn't revolve around them. I still plan to dump Comcast and get Directv just because of this. I live in Salisbury, but I have to watch WJZ or WBAL just to get Maryland news. I am fed up with them anyway and the metro-sexual Jimmy Hoppa. Are there any real men on this channel? He is so sickening sweet, I want to just throw up!
    Or that mommy's boy weather man Dan Satterfield.

  8. I agree with Scott, they are the top news station for Delaware, and only report Maryland or occasionally Virginia as a after thought. Sky Cam from Hyatt Cambridge? Get real!!!! That is their idea of serving Eastern Maryland. What a joke!

  9. Bye bye WBOC you water carrying libtared news station afraid to tell the real stories.. and .your weather guy creeps me out and WDMT has better coverage for my VA comute...which im hoping to relocate too...

  10. that $2.00 per month per year times the ppl they broadcast to is a lot of money. ads on their web site and on their show are out of control. I say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  11. I have DirecTv and will not miss WBOC at all. I never watch it. I switched to DirecTv from cable and although I like it better than cable the bill keeps going up. We don't get any Baltimore or Dc Station at all and the NY, Philly and Ca stations I guess are on the highest package.

  12. Non WBOCtv WatcherJuly 24, 2014 at 8:12 PM

    DIREctv should sue Wboc/Draper Holdings for running the message across the tv telling viewers to call DIRECTV and threaten to cancel them. Hey Draper Holdings...guess what? I could care less if DIRECTV drops you. Your station sucks! Why are you asking for so much money from DIRECTV? Because you are GREEDY! I can watch the same shows online for free and as far as football goes I get the football package from DIRECTV and can watch any game I want. I dont need your lousy station and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to strong arm your viewers! Shame on you Craig Jahelka, take your greed and shove it!

  13. I think all form of media are killing themselves, the old school media, TV and radio. It's all regurgitated information that they would like to fill your brain with, that's why it's called the boob tube! Set yourself free from these mind controlling, Trolls! Watch the BBC for a while, heck I trust Al Jazeera News more than any local news.

  14. I watched Mon night at 6pm & WBOC was nothing but DOver, & Smryna news for the first 15 minutes! WBOC thinks might highly of themselves to think customers will cancel their whole Direct Tv package for one lousy channel like WBOC. They suck!

  15. DirecTV is in dire straits financially and is relying on the pending buyout from AT&T. Be interesting to see how the "poker game" pans out ???

  16. Just suck a few more advertising dollars outta sherwood and rebroadcast another idiotic crappy rerun ad from 10 years ago.
    I bet gateway is pooping their drawers now that winner subaru is advertising locally, so now gateway will spend more money on advertising too. No one else advertises other than car dealerships because they get kick backs from the manufacturers.


  17. 21,000 DirecTV viewers (per WBOC) x $2.00 per month = $42,000 per month. That's $504,000 annually.

    Sounds like WBOC's manager is trying to earn his bonus.

    Their programming today is about 1/3 hand wringing over their food fight.

  18. Yep, the media breezes are a'blowin... it's business-adapt or die.

  19. 7:57 I feel the same way you do about Jimmy Hoppa when I see him I just about puke he reminds me of that guy on that TV commercial with those 4 women when they say thats a good deal lets close. WBOC needs to close on him.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. WBOC needs an UPGRADE...local news, local programming (Delmarva Life, Murph and Martinez) to much fake pretenses, I like the idea of those two shows but the people have no idea what to do without a pre-set script. Comes off as so fake! I do hate to see it dropped from DT.

  22. Www.directvpromise.com explains a lot

  23. "Murph and Martinez": What a wonderful show. But ONLY if you like seeing two idiots just sitting there staring at you on-screen while some bigger idiot gives their thoughts about a subject that nobody cares about. One word for this duo: "Radio".
    Murph: Buy a tie. You're on TV.
    Martinez: Learn how to apply some TV makeup so you don't look like Morticia.

  24. DirectTV is simply standing up to the old standard of "pay networks more and pass the cost to your customers". They have stood up to and survived major players like AMC and The Weather Channel, WBOC stands no chance of getting them to budge.

  25. I'd like to clarify something.... Why does everyone say "I could care less"? If you could care less.... Why say it. The correct statement is..." I COULDN'T care less" .

  26. WBOC - Delmarva's News Leader

    WMDT - Delmarva's Choice

    No where do these two stations claim to be Salisbury's news leader or Salisbury's choice, Maryland's news leader or Maryland's choice. You all make it sound as if WBOC is holding a gun to your head. Clue, guys - you are not required to watch WBOC. Leads me to believe WBOC is being watched by those who only are looking to trash them.

    In my opinion Satellite is too high, cable is too high but like a fool, I too, continue to pay the high price to get maybe 9 or 10 channels I enjoy watching. As for local channels, I can get 9 with my trusty little indoor antenna, so it matters not to me, if any are dropped from my satellite viewing. Not bothering to get my drawers in a twist over this silliness.

  27. It would be easier to have concern for them if they had a little concern for us.

  28. If WBOC would give us local, I mean as in Salisbury, news, then it would be different but all one has to do is turn it on their channel and know immediately what is happening in Delaware. Well take your stupid station to Delaware. We do not live in DE, we don't give a rats behind what is happening there. We want to know what is going on in Salisbury, and there is plenty going on, you just won't report it. So no, I will not call anyone, but I will ask WBOC to move on.

  29. It's going to be WBOC's advertisers that are going to lose. It's time for them to drop their advertising and let's see how quickly the arrogant Jehelka will change his tune.

  30. I made my call and told them to drop WBOC and give us back the Philly channel.

  31. WBOC is not going to tell me what to do! I can get this with my antenna so this is not a problem. This is a pissing match between WBOC and DIRECTV. I like directv more than I like WBOC. WBOC is trying to use the viewing public as pawns in their legal dispute. It make me want to view them less. How dare they tell the viewing public what to do in their legal dispute!!!!

  32. This is clearly a power play and it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think WBOC is hurting for local news and makes no attempt at finding any. Riding around in a helicopter taking photos of historical spots is a joke. Why do we need that? What would be nice is some old fashion reporting on the scene but the helicopter is used for anything but news. I guess they have to justify the funding for the copter by hovering over nothing and calling it news. I really wish people would STOP sending them news photos for free. If you have a news worthy photo it should be PAID FOR like every other news photo. Just because you name is attached to the photo does not make you famous... it makes you a sucker. They get the photos for free and refuse to pay for professional staff to do the job. Sad news day folks.

  33. How about I dont care about local channels and i drop all of them now before any deal is reached. I don't need the crappy news they put out and the shows are on other channels.

    So thanks WBOC for alerting me to your terrible presence and I will be seeing you later.

    :) I just saved two bucks.

  34. For a bunch of people who don't watch WBOC, you sure know the anchor names, shows and their advertisers.

  35. I'm on Direct, and haven't seen WBOC in 3 years! There's no reason!

  36. wboc sucks moose


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