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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wicomico County Needs Community Feedback About Comcast Cable Service

In order to best ascertain community needs and interests related to cable television service from Comcast, Wicomico County is conducting a community needs assessment as part of the cable franchise renewal process. This includes a random sample written survey of County residents beginning this month.

If a household receives a survey, the County requests that the resident take the brief amount of time needed to respond to the survey questions. Because the surveys are administered randomly, each response is especially important. All information gathered from households will only be reported as a group and all individual responses will be anonymous. Participation in this process will help the County effectively represent the community as it works to ensure quality cable television service for its residents. The County encourages its residents to participate in this important effort!


  1. no cable franchise should be renewed
    unless 100% of the area is covered

  2. The cable market needs competition to insure the best prices for the consumer.

  3. I would dearly love to see another cable company like Bay Country come here. In Dorchester County they can choose from either Comcast or Baycountry and because of this, they rates are much lower. Comcast has a monopoly in Wicomico and this needs to be changed. I think the residents of this county deserve better!!!

    1. Bay country is a ripoff and there service is a fn JOKE

  4. Hope they send me a survey!!!! As useless as the newspaper...

  5. I can guess how 'random' this will be.

  6. It sucks, pass it on

  7. Agreed. It sucks! They rob you legally with all the fees and channels you get that you don't want.

  8. I can't stand comcast..outrageous and horrible customer service.

  9. It shouldn't be random PERIOD
    Everyone affected by this gummint sanctioned monopoly should get a survey.
    'Course without those fees, the county chiefs might have to spring for their own morning coffee, lunch and dinner.
    Unless it's going for the children, of course...

  10. Pollitt knows the citizens are sick and tired of Comcast and since it's an election year he wants to make it LOOK like he hears your plea. Nothing will change.

  11. I received the survey, but will not be participating. There is not cable where I live, and am happy that it isnt. Very happy with direct tv satellite.

  12. They SUCK. They are Expensive. I Hate Comcast. We are in desperate need of more choices in the cable broadcast system.

  13. Moved here 8 years ago and have had Comcast since the beginning. Never had one bit of trouble with them plus they have always been willing to negotiate pricing and increases. I like Comcast.

  14. 12:46 - probably work for them too!

  15. Comcast sucks and having made up fees like rebroadcast fees when we already pay it the monthly fee assessment.

  16. The customer service on the phone and online is horrible. The prices are outrageous.

  17. certainly everyone need NOT pay an additional dollar for ch 14. it just ain't that great. rather pay a dollar a channel for the ones we watch & the rest be gone!

  18. The cable franchise agreement is what guarantees we pay some of the highest rates in the country, because there is no competition!

    As soon as there is a viable competitor, your rates will drop by about 30%.

  19. I only have internet with them now, because I could no longer afford their cable. I can watch what I need anyway with streaming players like roku and my off air antenna to pick up local digital channels. There really isn't much out there to watch anyway. It's really hard to find quality TV anyway, so I don't miss it.

  20. The County needs feedback othe County. WTF Ricky clean up your mess first. Really

  21. I'd rather go without, but prefer satellite over comcast, every single day.

  22. I wish they would offer alacart that way you could get the channels you watch and not have to subsidize channels you don't. I personally have no use for BET, or spanish language channels, nor do I want to subsidize channels like PMSNBC or CNN. I watch maybe 10 to 20 channels and am willing to pay for those that I watch

  23. To everyone reading:
    If you are sick of Comcast and hate that they are a worthless company that had a monopolistic advantage and swindles its customers, DO SOMETHING THAT ISN"T ON SBYNEWS.

    As in, call your county legislators. Call Rick Pollit. Make tit known you are serious.

    And if you are a city resident, call your representatives too!

  24. I started in on filling it out, but all the questions were aimed at current Comcast customers. I'm on satellite, and can't answer the question, "how long have you been a Comcast subscriber and are you happy with the programming?" Do I answer Yes, or No? When I left Comcast, I was paying more than double what I'm paying now, and had no premium channels.

    I would be happy to pay them what they're worth, but I know they can't live on THAT!

  25. No competition = poor quality, poor service and higher prices.

    Comcast is the pits. Consumer Report rates Comcast very low in ALL categories.

    We need competition and this is the bottom line...


  26. The short answer is, and has been, that our local government has chosen to permit residents to be squeezed, ripped off, (insert your term here ) by giving Comcast a monopoly on cable TV service.

    In exchange for this exclusive license to steal/print money Comcast collects a franchise fee each month from subscribers and turns that 'tax' over to the county.

    Comcast adjusts its rates and channel offerings as it solely chooses.

    What arrangement would be more favorable to current, past and potential subscribers?

    Lower rates?
    Ala carte pricing (pay for only channels you want to view)?
    Choice of cable companies?
    Choice of another internet service?

    Unless something meaningful changes....and what do you think Ricky will accomplish before the election??

    So just suck it up and continue to pay outrageous amounts for PollitTV.

    How's your current bill compare to what you were paying before he started waving the county credit card around?

  27. Ever wonder why Comcast is higher here than in other places ? It's because the county charges a higher franchise fee that is directly passed to subscribers...it's a tax !

  28. 12:46 - probably work for them too!

    Only possible explanation. Used to be they did. No longer. I asked them to lower my service. Economy Internet. They did not. They said they would but did not. Instead they gave me the far more expensive performance internet and a discount on it still making it 50% more expensive than what I ordered. Called back and only when I threatened to call Andy Harris did they make the changes.

  29. Prices are to high. Competition is needed to lower. prices. Alacarte programing would be great so you only pay for what you want. I don't like paying for Algazeera which don't watch but told they would not supply the Blaze TV. I pay for many stations I never watch this is an outrageous way to run a business.

  30. the dirty little secret about a LA cart programming is that unless you only watch like 5 channels, your bill won't go down a dime.

    20 years ago the big C band satellite dishes had a LA carte and packaged programming and the packages were always much cheaper than buying just a few of the channels separately.


  32. Comcast sucks and f Wicomico county going to direct tv. no more franchise fee for these aholes!

  33. can't wait for FIOS!

  34. FIOS has it's own issues and the internet speeds are the same as Comcast... The real difference is programming FIOS lags a bit.

  35. John Palmer, Delmar, Md.July 27, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Joe, here's what's going to happen. Comcast is going to offer the "County" a good deal. Comcast is going to give the Board of Education such a fantastic deal that the "County" simply can not refuse to offer Comcast another "Twenty Year Deal". This is how Pollitt will present it to the county council. What the county council should do is consider this a service and put it out on bid.All dates should be published in local media and the list of bidders should be made public. The council should have a presence when all bids are opened so there will be no appearances of impropriety. I don't think the People have forgotten the Board of Election fiasco by a long shot.Any deals made with bidders should include an "Opt Out Clause" and be made to renew every two years. I hope the council also asks their constituents about how they feel about renewing Comcast and ask for suggestions and opinions. This move to just pass out a few survey papers is a joke. With just only 34 comments it's clear to me that very few people even know about the renewal and that's what Pollitt and Comcast hope for. Wake up people before you're shafted for another twenty years of escalating prices. John Palmer, Delmar, Md.

  36. I think comcast is one of the most difficult company to deal with. If you don't like what you are being told hang up and call back you will get a different answer. We need an additional cable company in wicomico county so the people could have a choice. Comcast knows they are the only cable company and do as they please. I have had my rate increased without my knowledge. When I called to inquire why, I was told I had been on a special rate and that had expired. Nothing I could do but pay more or leave the service. Call back in a year to see if there was another special because know I was committed for a year at the higher rate.

  37. A second Cable company would be great in Wicomico county but local politicians would be paid off by Comcast.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Moved here 8 years ago and have had Comcast since the beginning. Never had one bit of trouble with them plus they have always been willing to negotiate pricing and increases. I like Comcast.

    July 22, 2014 at 12:46 PM

    You must be a representative from Comcast.

  39. Comcast employees are people who couldn't get a job anywhere else.

  40. So if not Comcast what other cable company is worth a darn? Some like Directv some don't but they are not a cable provider. Some mentioned Bay Country but some don't like them either. We had Mediacom years ago and they were also a joke. The bill went up up up and if a bird sat on a wire or a drop of rain the cable went out. Their cable internet was also a joke. It spent more time being down than working.

  41. Wish I could get a job at Comcast those guys are paid well 80 K.

  42. I am fine with my comcast cable and internet service.
    It's expensive but I knew that when I signed up.
    I have never had any issues with bad service. Quite the opposite actually.

  43. I lived in OC and had Comcast cable phone and internet. Every summer I would have trouble getting on the internet even worse on weekends. For this I had the privilege of paying $150 a month.

  44. I'm for competition. Bring in a competitor and vote them both in; or three? Welcome a free market, and we'll all be happy.

  45. we were buried under ever increasing price increase by Comcast. Switched to DirectTV which was the best option. All of these companies are unregulated monopolies that control content and price with little concern for the public

  46. I was released from the contract burden of Direct TV and switched to Comcast no problems in the last year.


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