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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Top Left Hand Corner, 2nd Image: Perdue Worth Over $2 BILLION


  1. Good for the Perdue family - they worked hard to build an American business.

  2. Congratulations --- the Perdue family does a tremendous amount of "good" in our community. Hard work still pays off in the USA.

  3. This should show the lazy welfare whores that hard work pays off!

  4. One day while I was standing at the cash register at Staples I dropped a quarter.Intending to pick it up after I had paid for my purchase,I heard a voice behind me say "excuse me,you dropped this".It was Jim Perdue handing me the quarter and I felt like crap.At that moment I realized why the family had been so successful.

  5. Wait till Ron Pagano gets wind of this -- Obama's income inequality police will be here within minutes to confiscate some big bucks.

  6. Good for them. They didn't get that by being lazy.

  7. But Obama says "you didn't build that business . . ."!

  8. If Maryland had the same regulatory regime and tax burden back then, Arthur and Frank would have gone elsewhere, probably Delaware, and in recent years the company has been in the process of going elsewhere for new ventures, etc.

    More than likely it will soon move the headquarters elsewhere just like McCormick/Old Bay is now doing.

  9. Nice, Everyday people! They
    richly deserve what they acquired. And--------
    many thanks to them for all they
    do for our community!!

  10. Love the Perdues. Frank, Jim, Jan - they give back, they stayed true to their roots. Wonderful family that has done so much for so many.

    Well deserved!!!

  11. Don't knock the rich,they provide a lot of good paying jobs.

  12. With that much money, they should have taken care of their employees instead of laying them off. Now as the economy turns back up, they have a reputation that is keeping people from wanting to work for them.

  13. Hats off to the Perdues "Great Job "

  14. It's not hard to become wealthy when your are sucking the life out of the tax payers. When the majority of a companies employees are relying on one form or another welfare entitlement, it's nothing to be proud of.
    Before anyone starts calling me a liberal this or that, I'm far more right than most people on this site. Fan of microeffect radio and donate to conservative causes more than most people make a year.
    Corporate welfare is one of several things the far left and the far right have in common.

  15. That's wonderful. As a Perdue employee I'm thankful they are in our area.

  16. Congratulations Jim!!! You and your family are and continue to be very good for the Eastern Shore. Wish you much success...we support Perdue!

  17. “When I came in (as chairman), there were 12,000 people and $1 billion (to) $1.2 billion in sales.... Now there’s $7 billion in sales and 21,000 employees.”
    -- Jim Perdue as quoted May 15, 2014

    Perdue is listed among the 10 corporations releasing the most toxins into our air and water.

  18. 1:46 Where is your "list" from?

  19. 1:46 - and they recently purged their highly competent technical staff and are replacing them with contractors - at a lower price.....

  20. 1:46 --

    Sounds like you work there. If so, please give the number of employees in Maryland and just Wicomico County in those two years. Bet it tells a different story.

  21. Thanks to Perdue and its comrades -- the "Delmarva Poultry Industry -- the Bay is now polluted with phosphorus and we have all those dilapidated chicken houses dotting the landscape.

  22. "we have all those dilapidated chicken houses dotting the landscape."

    There's no doubt if not for the chicken houses and the polluted land lower eastern shore farmland would be worth a fortune. This would be a mecca for the DC suburb horse crowd. I've heard it been said. They love the proximity to the beaches and the rural character but hate the blight and the deterioration of the land factory farming has caused in the area.

  23. They receives farm subsidies as well.
    Since 1995 75% of the farm subsidies have gone to only 10% of large agricultural businesses including Monsanto. I have questioned this and the answer given is because if these businesses aren't subsidized by tax payers commodity prices will fall. The whole system has run amok.

  24. 6:01 if that's all it takes to keep that arrogant bunch off the Eastern Shore GREAT!!! Hope farmers leave more old out dated houses spotting the Shore. Happy days!

  25. Maybe they can pay their employees more money?

  26. Bad thinking 11:20. Not would property values sky rocket but the economy would rebound by leaps and bounds. These people spend lots of money and would create more better paying jobs than perdue has ever done. Aiken SC did a complete turn around when they promoted the horse industry. They fought factory farming and the area is prosperous because of it.

  27. Perdue is responsible for the area's decline more than anything else in the area. Maybe the area benefits from 50 good paying jobs from them, but then the other 1000 jobs are poverty level wages.
    Agriculture areas who resisted the urge to fall victim to this vertically integrated form of business have fared much better.
    In this type of business for every dollar consumers spend 80% never reaches the economy, whereas in other business models every dollar spent turns into more than $8. In other words if perdue didn't control the hatcheries, the contract growers, the feed for the chickens, transportation and processing the area's economy wouldn't be so depressed.
    Now Asians are buying up the chicken farms. They spend no money. They don't maintain their properties and overall have a lower standard of living than Americans. This is causing further decline of the economic condition of the lower shore.

  28. Not just the water they screwed the roads up all over this county. Funny Troopers dont mess with Perdue any more. Look at the ruts in the asphalt at Old O.C. and Zion. Then sit on Rum Ridge and Brown and watch hunderds of trucks monthly duck the scales. He is a nice man but need to fix what you screw up. He is also the #1 employer of illegals well maybe Mountainaire is #1

  29. I don't think the chicken companies intentionally hire illegals. They do depend heavily on a constant influx of a legal immigrant workforce because the employment turnover rate is somewhere near 40%.
    That's an issue in of itself, because the workers on these types of visas tend to send most of their money back home and leaving our economy.
    The meat producers would most likely love to see some kind of illegal amnesty program as well. This would create a windfall of employees for them.

  30. They should have paid for the Hudson's lawsuit out of their own pockets. The growers like the Hudson's, are their life line. If not for them, Perdue wouldn't be.
    Owning the land and the chicken houses is the least (if at all) profitable part of the whole process, otherwise the companies would have vertically integrated this as well, buying the land and building and maintaining the houses themselves.
    This would never happen though because then they would themselves be responsible for the tons of waste generated.


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