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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Confederate flag: Washington and Lee University removing display

The Confederate flag has been in the school's Lee Chapel since 1930. In announcing the change, the Washington and Lee president also discussed Gen. Robert E. Lee, one of the school's namesakes.

Reproductions of the Confederate flag will no longer adorn Washington and Lee University’s campus in Lexington, Va., the university president announced Tuesday. However, the school will display historic rebel flags in the university’s Lee Chapel Museum.

The move came in response to a request from a group of W&L law-school students known as the Committee, which appealed to the university in the spring to remove the flags, to declare Martin Luther King Day a university holiday, and to take steps to confront the school’s murky history in conjunction with slavery.

The Committee members took particular umbrage at the presence of the flags in the part of the chapel where students take an honor oath.



  1. It's not been current for 149 years.Maybe a time machine will be invented some day for people who wish to live in the past.This inability to let things go is precisely why we can't move forward.

  2. 10:15 you are an idiot. Its called history and you can't change history.

  3. You can't change or rewrite history. The ONE thing that you can do is to not allow it to repeat itself.

  4. Why do we continue to allow a very small minority to rule out the majority? This is criminal. These black student knew this college was associated with Lee and the civil war, when they applied to go there, now they want it changed to suit them. This is so wrong! Someone should have stood up and told them , if you don't like it, leave!

  5. I belive history should be preserved and not altered to suit some certain portion of the population.However that said history should be preserved in acurate history books and museums and taught in schools without prejudice.

  6. If is such important history why wasn't it displayed until 1930? Not like it has always been there.

  7. Whites should start going to black schools And demand demand demand. Oh that's right. Black schools still allow segregation And no while kid will ever get in. More racism by the peaceful black community

  8. A perfect example of some of the folks that shouldn't go to college!

  9. 1:00 I had a friend who was having a hard time getting into law school so he went to Howard. Turns out they have to take a certain percentage of white studenst. Work the system man!

  10. More Honor, integrity and character exist within the flag of the stars and bars then in any left wing diseased liberal.

  11. The US has been in 6 wars since the Civil War and 5 since this flag was once again displayed in 1930.Has our knowledge of history therefore prevented us from repeating anything? We seem to do the same things over and over again and make the same stupid mistakes.

  12. Gerald said...
    Why do we continue to allow a very small minority to rule out the majority? This is criminal. These black student knew this college was associated with Lee and the civil war, when they applied to go there, now they want it changed to suit them. This is so wrong! Someone should have stood up and told them , if you don't like it, leave!

    July 10, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    Because the minority is black and we owe them. Just ask them.

  13. Anonymous said...
    If is such important history why wasn't it displayed until 1930? Not like it has always been there.

    July 10, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    It wasn't "history" until 1930 dumbass. Always a hater trying to invent an excuse or a rebuttal. I think it's a sin to take 84 years of history away from Washingon and Lee University. The nay sayers were indoctrinated by government controlled schools who taught revisionary history into their brainwashed minds.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Whites should start going to black schools And demand demand demand. Oh that's right. Black schools still allow segregation And no while kid will ever get in. More racism by the peaceful black community

    July 10, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    They wouldn't get into the programs except anything basic. ie like the professional programs at UMES are reserved for the minorities.

  15. Ronald Tilghman said...
    More Honor, integrity and character exist within the flag of the stars and bars then in any left wing diseased liberal.

    July 10, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    Very True!!

  16. The president of Washington and Lee is just as worthless as Obama, a worthless piece of human excrement.

    Long live the South and the Confederacy. Washington and Lee University is a Southern University that has strong roots with the Confederacy and it's heros. Caving in to a few lunatic thugs who got accepted into the Law School based on minority quotas proves the president is a spineless piece of Sh!t.

  17. Without exceeding a 2 word answer,tell me who won the war.You have 2 choices,THE NORTH or THE SOUTH.


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