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Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Letter From A Viewer: Wicomico County Welcome Center


Lately, when I have passed by the Wicomico Welcome Center, I noticed that their clock is not accurate.

On their marquee sign, they periodically display the time/temp along with other information.

Their clock is 1/2 hour off, and this has caused me to change my schedule thinking it was later than it was. Only after I verified the correct time, was I able to resume my originally intended itinerary.

This is not acceptable, as bad information is worse than no information.

You might want to take a couple of photos of this, using a properly set time stamp on a camera/phone.

Betcha they fix it quick after seeing this in the SBYNEWS!

Best regards,



  1. Get a watch Daddio!

  2. They do not even know that the Welcome Center is really in Delmar MD

    1. Actually, it is considered the county much the same as the Elementary School is. The town does not include county property.

  3. I would rather investigate the expense of repaving Mt Hermon Rd. Where they took it down from 4 lanes to 2 with a middle turning lane and now has "bike" lanes.
    Quite an expense for such a non-useful illogical restructuring.

  4. Maybe you should buy a watch, check your phone or clock in your vehicle for the time rather than relying on someone else or the county to give you the time of day. Not trying to be negative, but really? Nothing else to complain about today?

  5. Wear a watch, that would solve the problem

  6. Could have happened during a power outage or something. Probably an honest mistake. You could be bothered to just swing in there and let them know??

  7. This rain makes everyone really cranky.

  8. I'm sure the staff is too busy to take care of the clock, they will need to hire yet another county employee to handle that little problem. And oh yes, this new employee will need a take home county car just in case it needs to be reset during off hours. That's the way Wicomico rolls. LOL

  9. May be the heat.

  10. If it displayed the year, it would have showed the county 30 years behind.
    (Not necessarily a bad thing)

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would rather investigate the expense of repaving Mt Hermon Rd. Where they took it down from 4 lanes to 2 with a middle turning lane and now has "bike" lanes.
    Quite an expense for such a non-useful illogical restructuring.

    July 10, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    I agree. They have really screwed that road up now.

  12. 8:08am Actually Delmar is in Wicomico County.

  13. Maybe he should buy a watch? My what low expectations and standards you people have! No dam wonder Salisbury's the Arm Pit of the Eastern Shore. If an employee can't do something as simple as make sure their sign is showing the correct time, then something is wrong! Power out? No excuse! When power goes out you check your clocks and reset if necessary. It's not like it's rocket science! Sheer utter laziness and irresponsible employees!

  14. Is it really a bike path on Mt Hermon or is it to accommodate Dove Pointe which has taken over that strip??? I never see bikers there. Lots of people walking across parking lots and dove pointe pushing people in wheelchairs.
    Also even if he wore a watch, why look at it when the time is on the sign. I agree, no info is better than inaccurate.


  16. 9:54 It is also in MARYLAND is it not

  17. Can anyone there tell time?

  18. Maybe Daddio was wearing a watch, and when he saw that sign, it made him wonder which time was correct? He may have then thought that his watch battery was slowing down. No need to bash him for pointing out the wrong time on the sign. It's not like it was just a few minutes--it's a half hour off.

  19. Change the TV channel...isn't there a 'time channel'?

  20. 10:18, good point...watch them take over the rest of the block in the next few years, more property off the tax rolls!

  21. FYI to those wondering about Mt. Hermon Road...

    The center turn lane is much safer for vehicle traffic and the wide shoulder and sidewalk (didn't really exist before) are safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Not that there are many accidents, but it is the government's job to look out for the general safety of the public.

  22. To my knowledge there were already sidewalks, so you are saying we can now walk in the street since it is a wider shoulder? That does not seem all that safe. Sorry but I find that point to be a rather stupid analogy.

    I disagree on the "safety" issue. If someone was turning from the left lane I had the right lane to go around them.

    It was done for the bike lanes.

    But nice try from the Ireton/Day audience.

    You screwed up a perfectly fine road for non existent bicyclists. If safety was an issue, install sidewalks only if they did not exist.

  23. I predict a ribbon cutting touting the new bike lanes..... watch for it!

  24. Since my cell phone has the time available in it, I no longer wear a watch.

    But when driving, it's advisable to NOT use a cell phone.

    As I stated before, BAD information is worse than NO information!!

    If the county wants to advertise the current time on their marquee, it should be accurate, or turn the dang thing off!

  25. BAHAHAHAHA! You can't be serious!

  26. I'm pretty sure that the reason we could afford to repave was because of grant money for bike lanes. They'll be essential when the economy collapses and people can't afford electric, self-driving cars that the government will require in order to reduce our mobility.

  27. I believe the county does not take care of the sign. it's managed by an outside business for which the county pays good money.

  28. I wish my time was that valuable.

  29. Now Joe that place is a total waste of tax money. Seriuosly I think Rickards just needed another cushy job. Nepatism, if you look it up in the dictionary it is a picture of Weeekameeko County.


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