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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Rockville Couple Charged With Locking Up Twin Sons With Autism In Dungeon-like Basement

ROCKVILLE, Md. (WJLA) – Police have arrested a Rockville couple for allegedly keeping their 22-year-old twin sons, who have autism, in a dungeon-like enclosure in the basement of their home.

John Land, 57, and Janice Land, 59, are each charged with two counts of vulnerable adult abuse and attempted false imprisonment.

Around 5 a.m. Thursday, the Montgomery County Special Investigations Division stormed the Lands’ modest home along the 1600 block of Crawford Drive. Once inside, officers discovered the locked chamber housing both boys.

According to charging documents filed in Montgomery County District Court, police noticed an "overwhelming smell of urine coming from the room." There was no furniture for either brother to sit or sleep on, just a comforter covering the hard tile floor. There was also neither working electricity, nor smoke or carbon monoxide detectors. A tiny window was the only means of light, far too small for the 22-year-olds to crawl through in the case of an emergency, detectives say.



  1. Put them in the basement with the same treatment!!! Some people are horrible!!!

  2. Related to Obama?

  3. Give me 5 min each

  4. You live with and care for 2 22 year old autistic adults that can't speak or communicate, and run off at night, then you can be the judge. I'm sure it was hard trying to care for these two severely handicapped grown children, and perhaps they had limited means and support for their care. I would not pass judgement on these two parents that are obviously in a difficult situation with trying to care for these two individuals. Had the state given them the resources (financial and educational) to care for them at home, the situation might be different. Now the state IS caring for them. Can you feel the love now?

  5. 12:10 Yes, the same way that all white people are related to Timothy McVeigh. Give it a rest already!

  6. 1:48 Wow you have no heart, it doesn't matter if they had trouble or not putting your children in a basement with nothing is down right cruel.Slave days are over. No matter what disability you have, you still have the right to be treated with respect.

  7. hey 1:48
    Go piss up a rope you die hard idiot.

  8. The adopted immigrant children will suffer the same fate on occasion.Once the gubment money begins to flow some foster families will not care what happens to the children as long as they get theirs.Sounds to me like grounds to send them back home.

  9. This is where China does it right, they harvest the organs out of these, "non-productives", as they are called, and give them to good workers. These "NP", or non-persons, are a drain on the countries resources, and no one wants to care for them. The government also has the doctors kill instantly after birth, mongoloides, spinabifita, and other deformed infants. No one wants a messed up child, would you?

  10. 3:44
    Holy crap. You are another type of crazy.

  11. 3:44 is the liberal left .Just like Obamacare death panels. They don't want to pay for treatment for the elderly because they are about to die anyway And also do away with the retarded because care will cost to much. It is all about the bottom line.

  12. 3:44 is correct in his thinking, no one wants these messed up people, and their care cost taxpayers millions. There are a lot of good people waiting for kidneys, livers, lungs, hearts, all could benefit from the elimination of the retards, birth defect infants, coma patents, accident victims that there is no hope for recovery. It is time we did do something about this drain on society.

    1. Get lost Hitler..This is America. Nazi Germany Lost the war!!!

  13. I am horrified that I share the planet with some of you people.... "retards" indeed,how juvenile of you.You are heartless,does that mean you are "deformed"?
    And there is no excuse for how those parents treated their twins....no decent parent would allow their children to wallow in feces and urine!

  14. There is a cure for autism,but just like cancer,aids,and many others the research is far too profitable to abandon.

  15. Her bond was $50,000 and his $75,000...they posted bond are walking the streets...way to go "justice" system.


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