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Sunday, July 27, 2014

MORE JOBS LEAVE MARYLAND: Beretta USA Announces Decision to Move Its Entire Maryland Manufacturing Capabilities to Tennessee

Beretta U.S.A. Corp., located in Accokeek, Maryland, announced today that it has decided to move its manufacturing capabilities from its existing location to a new production facility that it is building in Gallatin, Tennessee. The Gallatin facility is scheduled to be opened in mid-2015. Beretta U.S.A. had previously planned to use the new Gallatin, Tennessee facility for new machinery and production of new products only.

“During the legislative session in Maryland that resulted in passage of the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, the version of the statute that passed the Maryland Senate would have prohibited Beretta U.S.A. from being able to manufacture, store or even import into the State products that we sell to customers throughout the United States and around the world. While we were able in the Maryland House of Delegates to reverse some of those obstructive provisions, the possibility that such restrictions might be reinstated in the future leaves us very worried about the wisdom of maintaining a firearm manufacturing factory in the State,” stated Jeff Cooper, General Manager for Beretta U.S.A. Corp.

“While we had originally planned to use the Tennessee facility for new equipment and for production of new product lines only, we have decided that it is more prudent from the point of view of our future welfare to move the Maryland production lines in their entirety to the new Tennessee facility,” Cooper added.

The transition of production from Beretta U.S.A.’s Maryland facility to the Tennessee facility will not occur until 2015 and will be managed so as not to disrupt deliveries to Beretta customers. Beretta U.S.A.’s production of the U.S. Armed Forces M9 9mm pistol will continue at the Accokeek, Maryland facility until all current orders from the U.S. Armed Forces have been filled.

“We have not yet begun groundbreaking on the Tennessee facility and we do not anticipate that that building will be completed until the middle part of 2015,” continued Cooper. “That timing, combined with our need to plan an orderly transition of production from one facility to the other so that our delivery obligations to customers are not disrupted, means that no Beretta U.S.A. Maryland employee will be impacted by this news for many months. More importantly, we will use this time to meet with every Beretta U.S.A. employee whose Maryland job might be affected by the move to discuss with them their interest in taking a position at our new facility in Tennessee or, if they are not willing to do so, to lay out a long-term strategy for remaining with the Company while our production in Maryland continues.”

Beretta U.S.A. anticipates that the Gallatin, Tennessee facility will involve $45 million of investment in building and equipment and the employment of around 300 employees during the next five years.

Beretta U.S.A. has no plans to relocate its office, administrative and executive support functions from its Accokeek, Maryland facility.


  1. thank you gov owemalley and friends

  2. Another Death blow to both Maryland and the City of Cambridge.

  3. good for them. Glad to see Beretta back up the threat of leaving MD.

  4. Nice work Governor O'Dumbass

  5. Beretta said that they were not moving their executive offices out of MD yeah right, at least not until their new plant is completed. O'Malley polices at work again

  6. Thanks Maryland for helping us lose yet another manufacturing industry with your political bullsh!t.

  7. What does our dumb-ass Governor think because guns are made somewhere else they will not show up in Maryland. What a total moron

  8. While they spend $45 million in Tennessee, and move their people there to pay Tennessee taxes, they will be leaving behind the vacant ruins that Maryland has become so accustomed to!

    Thanks, Governor O'Faily!

  9. Democrat liberal bullshit approved by uneducated Democrats have just cost the state of Maryland more tax base. When will they ever learn! I"m leaving for Delaware where people, except for Joe Biden, have common sense.

  10. 4:38 - remember the people there elected Joe Biden first......


  11. Thanks to OweMalley, OweBrown, OweConway, OweMathias and the rest of the Democrats!

  12. If people can not see that the democrats are solely responsible for the ruination of the country then they are dense.
    There is no such thing as a good democrat. They lie and they have no concern over anything except getting reelected even to the detriment of their OWN children's future. They are evil twisted people. There policies do not will, have never worked and will continue to not ever work.

  13. Soon to follow moving to va..had enough of the nonsense here...leaving libtard land MD

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 22, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    Congratulations Marty OweMalley, the unemployment line just got longer. It is no surprise that after those Democrat Socialists in Annapolis passed Firearm Safety Act loaded with bunch of Bullcrap, Berretta Co. decided to take their business to a different state. Combine that with Owe'Malley's Administration passing more than 40 new Tax Increases and New Fees, Including so-called "Rain Tax", it's no wonder Business after Business is closing their doors. And make no mistake about it, IF OWE'MALLEY SIDEKICK ANTHONY BROWN GETS ELECTED IT WILL CONTINUE, SO DO NOT VOTE FOR THESE CROOKS IN NOVEMBER!

  15. Its way to late for maryland and the shore....think its bad now wait another year.....the bleeding isnt gonna stop...soo very happy I was able to escape...never looked back....never will...

  16. I would really like to hear O'Malley's spin on this. Maybe I'll call Jim Matthias to get it.

  17. Think of all the Lucky people that get to move to Tennessee and get the hell out of this libtard state, first thing most of those lucky people will do is get their CCW. Oh by the way I have a nice house thats going on the market next month if any more to make me an offer its in Delmar M.D.

  18. Also leaving MD, soon.

  19. good luck beretta... At least you made it out...

    Were not so lucky...

  20. owemalley can convert the empty buildings Beretta leaves vacant to house the new democrat voters, I mean the flood of illegals. With tax payer funds of course. Another win for the dems.

  21. Thank O`Malley and the other dumb-ass(Brown) who all the Dumbocrats voted for. You could also include The Three Stooges, Miller,Busch, and Mathias who votes any way they want him to. I hope he asks me to vote for him in a crowd so I can tell him just what he is!


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