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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Captured And In Custody

Captured and in custody. Thanks for your tips and help.

Kenneth Mearle Larkin

Original Post


  1. What a scumbag! Sure hope he does hard time. Please get this slime ball out of society.

  2. This man was recently released from prison. Upon release he asked to be sent to an inpatient rehab facility, however they did not deem it necessary to send him. He got back with the same crowd and returned to his old behavior. This is his last strike. The saddest part is that he is the father of 4 young children who are devastated by this. They are the ones who have been hurt the most by his choices.

  3. 4:44-Those 4 children are better off without him.I understand the refusal to send him to the Inpatient rehab.The message there is that only he can help himself.The only true success that programs like that have is when the individual truly wants to better him or her self.Without that all is in vane.

  4. I've said it befor and i'll say it again, the only cure for those scumbags is HARD physical labor 12 hours a day 7 days a week.No pool tables,no canteen,no phone calls,no air conditioning,no visitors,no privileges of any kind,just hard work until you drop.That's it period,no excuses ,no exceptions.

  5. 4:44-and he is the only one to blame. No one but himself made him return "to his old behavior." Bottom line his own good time came before his children. Addiction of any sort is a choice. Nothing more-nothing less. Overcoming it is simple only when you decide, to become a responsible person. Passing the blame on someone else because they refused rehab is a cop out.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I've said it befor and i'll say it again, the only cure for those scumbags is HARD physical labor 12 hours a day 7 days a week.No pool tables,no canteen,no phone calls,no air conditioning,no visitors,no privileges of any kind,just hard work until you drop.That's it period,no excuses ,no exceptions.

    July 8, 2014 at 7:11 PM

    And you're wrong, yet again.

  7. 7:11 You are so correct

  8. well 8:29 if you are so concerned for this scumbag maybe you shoulda offered him a place to stay with your family. then you could have spent your time and money taking care of him. Oh that's right you want our tax dollars to do that! liberals are so full of crap!

  9. 7:18 You obviously are not familiar with addictions. Yes initially it is a choice but it is a disease. Often inherited. Have you ever dealt with a loved one with an addiction? If not perhaps you should do some research and educate yourself. Go to an alanon mtg and experience the pain of this disease. Yup he screwed up again but to totally deny a person help when they are asking for it seems a bit heartless.

  10. I'm with 711. Sorry, 829, but you're an enabler to the criminals.

  11. 9:51-Addiction is not a disease nor is there a gene or a set of genes that predisposes someone to addiction. you are relying on info that is spoon fed to people by those in the huge very profitable business of "recovery."
    One of the most effective and successful programs is Saint Judes Retreat (over 60% success rate-other treatment centers 20% is considered good including the 12 steps like alanon.)
    One of the main differences is Saint Judes refuses to call addiction a disease.
    This from their website-Many people have beliefs and pre-determined ideas regarding drugs or alcohol. Becoming habituated to the use of substances involves much more psychologically than with biological makeup or a supposed addiction gene.
    For more info go to their website.

  12. Another loser off the street.


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