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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Rep Harris Condemns Use of Carroll Site to House Foreign National Minors

Harris will use the Appropriations process if necessary to stop this

Washington, D.C. -
Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., urged the Department of Health and Human Services to reject consideration of the former Army Reserve Center at 404 Malcom Drive, Westminster, MD, as a facility for temporarily housing children who have come into the United States from other countries without an adult guardian. Because members of Congress are not being given unscripted access to HHS facilities, the potential health risks to the community are unknown. Should HHS attempt to proceed with housing them at this facility, Congressman Harris will use any and all resources at his disposal as a member of the House Appropriations Committee and in particular the subcommittee that oversees the HHS budget to stop this.

Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. released the following statement:

“These unaccompanied minors who have entered our nation illegally must not be brought to Carroll County Maryland. Flying them to Maryland only to turn around and fly them back home is nonsensical. Instead, President Obama should immediately return them to their nation of origin. President Obama created this problem and now he should fix it. Should this Administration attempt to put them in Carroll County, I will use every tool at my disposal though the appropriations process to stop this.”


  1. Except it is against the law for the President to immediately return them.

  2. Nothing heard from Cardin or Mikulski, right? Just blindly following their false prophet...

  3. Got to love all the political grandstanding. Pssst Andy, if you want the pres. to immediately return, you and your congressional buddies should change the law so that he can. Hell, pass a law stating that he must

  4. Thanks Andy for protecting our health, safety and pocketbooks!

  5. How about that Wicomico County "boot camp" if its still there? Too bad they tore down the old Salisbury Mall building!

    And we have some "old dilapidated chicken houses".

  6. I wonder if Jimbeau is going to send out a text message attacking the Congressman on this.

  7. Gotta love some good 'ol common sense ! Thanks Andy 1

  8. What Andy has forgotten is that George Bush created the law that prevents the U.S. from deporting the children without a hearing first. Of course you won't hear that out of republican's mouth. Give credit where it's due! Make sure you're dumping the blame right in the previous Republican President's lap!

  9. 2:49 What a load of crap! Is that all you've got? and do think that law was to allow bus load after bus load to enter the country? It may be G.W's Law but look who's shoes their wearing.

  10. 249, Bush isn't inviting them here out loud across several countries and opening the door at the border for them to continually stream in here @ 30,000 a year for the last 2 years, and he's not the one saying he's letting another 30-50k in NEXT YEAR!!!!

    This is an OBAMA planned freak show!

    Oh, and YOUR Senator Babs is reaching out to take care of the poor babies and NOT doing anything to stop the bleeding or send them back!

    Cardin? Ben? Hellloooo? Any comments? Are you still out there? Hiding in those bushes over there?

  11. Give credit where it's due!!! Own it! Why is it you Republicans can dish it out but can't take it????

  12. "Except it is against the law for the President to immediately return them."

    And that's just funny. We all know how this president considers himself above the law. When did a little thing like the law or ethics stop this turd from doing what he wanted?

  13. Love it Maryland is a Democratic state so why not bring all these illegals here spend all our money on them give them all our jobs and sit back and applaud all the democrats for being so honest and giving until you have nothing

  14. There goes maryland giving another hand out to someone who has no real value in our country

  15. How about the old firehouse in downtown Salisbury?

  16. I don't feel this is a situation we should talk lightly about; in my opinion, it is VERY serious and I appreciate the congressman's trying to not have them sent to MD.


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