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Sunday, July 13, 2014

"ALL I WANT IZ BANDZ" Gotta Love Da "Bury"


  1. so after 400 plus years, this is what you get ? glad to see them taking advantage of opportunities available

  2. What a shame. And they wonder why they are profiled? That's why.

  3. I think the outside shots were done in Princess Anne not the 'bury.

  4. Lord please let me and my family escape this god-forsaken Ghetto. Screw the mortgage I'm walking. Its gotten way beyond the devaluation and more about our safety at this point.

  5. seriously...is this a joke?

    lol at these punk @zz half-steppin wanna be 'gangstas'


  6. Some of this video was shot in the hood by the Shore Stop by Parsons Rd Pemberton Dr. What pieces of trash. Glad I don't live in "The Bury". Scumbags like this is why the 2nd amendment could be useful. A bunch of drug dealing thugs with their pants hanging off there backside.

  7. Welfare money well spent

  8. thanks to the leaders of Wicomico County for destroying the tax base and devaluing property so more of the uneducated low lifes like these can take over the county. Well done Ricky and the Rinos, hope the election sends you packing...

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. 3:31 your first sentence makes absolutely no sense.
    Why do we complain they are locked up over and over again? We don't.
    Is that a special kinda stupid question.
    No one complains when the police do their jobs and take them off the street.
    Do we complain when they are out in 6 months doing the same kinda crap again... yes, and so we should.
    Should the judges do a better job... yes.
    As far as I am concerned, the police should be showing up at their homes and re-arresting them on a regular basis.

  11. The dumbing down of America!! The use of lovely slang like "bury" just plays into the dumbing down of this country. There is no room in this country for proper language because certain people found it to be too difficult...so we just let it slide for the poor little underachievers and this is what you get. While we are using incorrect language and slang why not throw in some foul mouth smut as well so that it gets noticed straight away. Ahhhhh yes...DA BURY!!!

  12. Wonder if this was recorded the same night as the shop windows were broken in that neighborhood?

  13. Cavemen that never evolved! A drain on resources and society in general. A great example of the media culture and our educational system!
    Great examples for the Black community. Your should be real proud of yourselves!
    More proof that we are living in end times!

  14. Ah , yes it's funny , these guys will never reach the age of 30 , I'm glad too . Man are they talented , I laugh so hard I puked. I showed what not to be.

  15. The mayor supports Da Bury language. Of course he does. He's a liberal Democrat. Have no fear though. He will just skip on over there and have a talk and shake the hand of those guys that voted for him.

  16. Funny how everyone is quick too be judgmental and prejudice when they're "anonymous".

  17. Funny how everyone quick too be judgmental and prejudice when they're "anonymous".


  18. Ahhh....the 'bury's best and brightest on display. An I wonder why this place will never bring in any new businesses. Could it be that it has become too ghetto??? Nah, couldn't be that....

    6:03 & 6:26 - What, do you want us to identify ourselves so you can go gangsta on us?

    I'm guessing that you are on of the young "gentlemen" in the video because, um, you used the wrong "too" in your comment....twice....

    Smart guy....

  19. Ok...so what keeps being said is that these young black males are the reason why Salisbury can't prosper! Negative. The reason is Salisbury is still racially divided and prejudice. The comments on here speak louder than the video. Pray it's not to late for these boys to change their lifestyle instead of bashing a whole race!

  20. maybe instead of pretending to be rappers they could get a career and save up Some Bands.....

    Wow that was AWFUL!!!

  21. This is sad. It's sad that government welfare has turned these people into ignorant, non working, freeloading, vulgar trash. As I speak, there is no one in my group of associates that doesn't agree that these actions have gotten worse since Obama was elected.

  22. DA BURYS IN THE TOILETJuly 12, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    Mr Albero:

    You are such a smart man to sell your downtown property and get out of dodge.You saw the writing on the wall.I feel sorry for all the old and retired people in salisbury who are trapped and cannot get out.I think the tide is to strong now to repel this influx of gang trash which has grown out of control.Elder people just keep the doors locked ,phone close and the outside lights on at nite and the gun loaded.

  23. Those guys are just practicing their bitch dancing for the big house...

  24. 740 pm - what's really sad is your reading comprehension. Nobody commenting on the status, lifestyle or future of these young men or Salisbury has mentioned the black race in general or all together. The above commenters are addressing the young men posing, singing, and flashing gang signs in the video. No need to apply it to the whole race.

  25. Young entrepreneurs making money in a failing economy. Capitalism in action!

  26. I can't understand what these idiots are saying most of the time. This is another example of the breakdown of the family in America. They wouldn't look, act or talk like that if they were raised right. This is not a cultural thing, it's a total lack of self esteem and respect. Get over yourselves you morons.

  27. Dis is da hottest new song out Der right now. I wanna take Dis opportunity to give a shout out to some of my niggas in Dis video, Jakwon "unemployed" smiff, Diondre "food stamps" franklin, Lamont "prison rape" preston, and last but not least Tyrone "lovin da weed" Watson. My homeboys are always rocking deez fresh beatz in da burry. For all you white haters, you don't know a fresh beat if it would bite you in da ass. Keep doing yall thing playas! - Dion "Dealin those Drugs" Johnson

  28. so 7:40, are you saying that there is a chance that any one of the 'people' in the videos will become a productive member of society? Plain and simple, none of them ever will. They will be a menace to society until the day they die. They are likely getting state assistance while they sell drugs and create as much mayhem and fear as they possibly can and expect the state and country to give them everything they want because they deserve it. THIS is the problem with our nation, right here. Someone needs to either put them in jail, or in a boot camp to, first, teach them how to speak properly, and second, show them what it's like to work for a living and become productive members of society that has values and respect and pride in themselves for a hard days work.

  29. In the words of ICE CUBE of NWA. Just anotha nigga dead. Thats all it is there is no future for these young men. It is like the N.F.L. one in a million make it. Grow up dump the grills. Stop acting Gangsta before a real one bust a cap in your azzz

  30. I thought this was last year's UMES' homecoming. I'm gonna go out on the limb and guess these guys recorded this during a weekday. I would say work day but they don't know what work is. They should do another song about when they shop for groceries entitled, " All I Use Is Stamps"


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