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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mikulski Chairs Key Hearing on Nation's Border Crisis

President Obama has a key ally in Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski as he seeks to address the crisis of immigrant children crossing into the U.S from Central America.

Mikulski is chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, which held a hearing on the President's $3.7 billion dollar request for emergency funding. She says the money is badly needed to provide food, shelter and other humanitarian aid to the children, and to support border agents and immigration judges as the government tries to determine the legal status of the young immigrants.

"I agree with the President and I believe that this situation is an emergency," Mikulski said. "Our first goal must be to protect the safety and health of the children and make sure we have the resources to do it."



  1. If you have never placed a call to your state or federal congressman or senator now is the time to start. Flood her office with calls.

    Send these people home.

  2. She says "Our first goal is to protect the children". The first goal is to secure the border. Stop the problem before it gets any worse. Democrats are proactive when it comes to shoving liberal legislation down our throats, but reactive when it comes to upholding the laws and the Constitution.

  3. Send them back to where they came from. We don't have money to see end on illegals when we can't even afford to help our own elderly or veterans or children that are US citizens.

  4. She is part of the problem, not the solution.

  5. For much less than Obama is asking for, they all can be flown first class to their country of origin. This is just another slush fund for democrats.

  6. That dude needs to retire and let a younger guy take his seat. We need new blood in the Senate. I say vote them all out, especially that guy.

  7. 10:39, please educate yourself. "that dude" is a dudette. she has been in office past her time. it would be wonderful if we could replace her with a constitutional conservative. this would take a lot of work and a great candidate.

    as usual she has NO problem spending my money on crap.

  8. Why fly them back to their country. Schools out for the summer we have plenty of school buses sitting around empty. Bus them back I'm sure the bus drivers could use some extra cash.

  9. 10:46 I'm sure it was said as a joke, so you should find a sense of humor while he is educating himself.

  10. If you've never been to Mexico, you don't know that to enter Mexico, not only do you need ID, you must also prove that you have enough money for your time expiring visa in the country. Mexico would never allow the buses of undocumented children cross the border.

  11. Send the illegals back. Secure our borders now with the National Guard. We have a legal immigration policy.

  12. Makes you feel proud to be from the great state of Maryland-not! Really surprised that some of these people have not been dumped here on the Eastern Shore already.

  13. Give him the money - to build a fence!

    Put him and Babs on the other side first!

  14. The problem is most of these kids aren't Mexican, they are from Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador and El Salvador. However, Mexico did let them exploit the human trafficking to help them get here.

  15. We don't need to build a fence and, we don't need the National Guard on the Border..Both cost money..Simply pass a law that makes it illegal to hire any illegal immigrant and carries a $10,000 fine (first offense)...And make it illegal for any illegal alien to collect welfare...Problem solved. They will deport themselves...

  16. Standby for more BS from Babsie!

  17. I'm with Billy Bob...

  18. I could control the border easily. Hang a deer stand every 100 yards and invite American citizens to man them. There would be a line behind every stand of people waiting their turn.

  19. Mexico is putting the kids on trains heading for OUR border. The only one that can't get into the USA is our MARINE rotting in prison in Mexico...
    And how about we take some of these kids and let them stay at the White House?? Moochelle and our muslim pres are going on yet another vacation...they certainly have the space to put them up for "humanitarian" reasons....

  20. This is Crazy! We don't take
    care of our own older people in
    this Country who can't help themselves !!!!

    America is doomed ---- we will be
    a third world Country if the Gov. keeps pouring money out!!!!

    Do I feel secure here in the US ?
    Heck no, not when the Gov. can't even
    keep people from crossing the
    Borders coming into our Country!!!


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