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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Question Of The Day 7-10-14

Which town charges the most for water and sewer?


  1. Salisbury by all means! They have an 80 million dollar bill to pay for.

  2. I have previously called around and the answer isn't as simple as I thought due to how rates are set up and what is or isn't in them.

  3. So glad to be out in the county with my own well and septic......

    I'm working on producing electricity, then I'll be free of these leeches.....


    You cannot top my most expensive story.

    I have had my water/sewer TURNED OFF FOR MORE THAN 7 YEARS NOW and I still get charged a road frontage water/sewer fee.

  5. Princess Anne - $180 for one person

  6. Fruitland isn't cheap.......

  7. Salisbury the only place i know where your water bill is $50.00
    but your sewer bill is $150.00 total $200.00 what ever you do do not water your lawn or wash your car or fill a kiddy pool wash the dog. anything that will incress your water usage so they can triple bill you for sewage

  8. 9:09 I have lived in the city for 12 years (2 1/2 bath house)and have never had a bill larger than $110 (for 3 months).

  9. Oddly, to water your lawn or wash your car or fill a kiddy pool& wash the dog, anything outside does NOT utilize or require use of the sewer system.

  10. 9:37 i have lived in the city for 17 years and have not had a water bill less then 200.00 and yes i do not have any water leaks before you ask but i have a family of 8 the problem in not the water bill its the sewer bill 2 1/2 x your water bill if you would look at what i was saying i pay more for water going to my yard not the sewer

  11. 9:37. How come? Ours is way more & we're VERY conservative with our useage.
    Best luck! I'm so jealous!

  12. 10:20 you are right it has nothing to do with sewer but your sewer bill is based on your water usage

  13. $175 in Pittsville and that is without the front footage that Joe is talking about. You can't even drink the water and many days you can't do laundry because it is either brown or the chlorine smell is so bad.

  14. Fruitland. Approx. $300 quarterly for water, sewer and trash. (for 2 people)

  15. Hebron...rediculous

  16. Pittsville just raised their water and sewer 9%. The front footage should be to pay off the original loans which should be getting close as they refinanced several years ago at lower interest rate I believe. they are going to continue to go up as they need to get back all the money that Denver Moore let his daughter steal. this is still all a SECRET matter that no one wants to talk about.

  17. 1:47
    I used to live in Pittsville 5 years ago. No one will find out what happened because everyone is afraid to ask. If you do ask you better make sure you are prepared for the retaliation from the town.

    Something happened! If nothing happened she would still be working there. I talked to a friend the other day and they said they still had not hired someone to fill her spot. I wonder why? Was it an unneeded position to begin with? Why did we pay her all those years. Sounds like a waste of tax payer money

  18. @2:42 I can fill you in on a few details that will make your head spin, and the facts are easy enough to find with a FRAUD AUDIT!!!! Look for charges on the credit cards that Carla had access to, and I guarantee you that you will find charges that stem from Pittsville all the way to NEBRASKA! That is where she drove to pick up her boyfriend and bring him back home! The icing on the cake was when Denver found out that Carla had bought this guy a PICK-UP TRUCK! He knew that it would be discovered soon, had his name put on the truck and Carla lost her job!

  19. Not Fruitland The King fixed that before he quit!

  20. My water bill in Fruitland went up $50 more per quarter and I still used within the minimum allowed before extra charges are added. now paying over $200 every 3 months.

  21. Salisbury since the genius mayor decided to build a barely working water sewage plant.

  22. My bill for water,and trash in Salisbury is about $122 every billing cycle
    I don't was the car often but for some reason there is always a load of laundry and I do shower at least once a day, I give thanks for indoor plumbing

  23. Fruitland, hands down. 8,000 gallon minimum, usually runs $270.00 per quarter,only 2 of us, rarely use the minimum. Have water-conserving appliances for no reason other than to do the right thing & conserve water. Greg Olinde acted as if he was doing us all a favor when they "only" went up another $50./qtr., vs. the $70. they wanted! I had to leave the town meeting that night, was so disgusted. I have a water bill from when I first purchased the property, is only $65.; no one's wages have increased @ that rate, but we're supposed to just be able to cough it up!


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