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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Police Department Accused of Using Undercover Cop to ‘Entrap’ Drivers at Crosswalk

A video posted to YouTube Thursday from Somerville, Massachusetts, showing a man repeatedly crossing an intersection while a police car waits nearby to pull over drivers who don’t stop, is prompting speculation and outrage.

Some are calling it entrapment.



  1. It's been done in OC.

  2. I'm sure there is plenty of crime areas they could sit but instead do this to make easy money.

  3. "easy money", no. It's done to shut up friggen idiots from the public who say cops don't do enough to curb traffic issues.

  4. entrapment. lol the most miss understood term in LE. And this is definitely not a case of entrapment.

  5. 5:47
    So the cops create the traffic issues to curb?
    Entrapment 100%
    Any honest judge who see this should throw all the citations out and scold the dirty cops perpetrating this.

  6. The cop uses the crosswalk as any law abiding citizen can. The driver violates the law and does not yield to the pedestrian as directed by the traffic article. Not entrapment. Of I'm sorry i get it now, it's the cops fault he should have stayed in his car right. Boy that sounds similar.

  7. 5:47 I fail to see any logic in what you say. To shut people up, you use a kop to set people up for tickets? I'm not buying that one. Think it over (if you're capable) and try again.

  8. Sounds like something that should be low on their list of priorities. They need to reevaluate what they are doing.


  9. Entrapment.

    They create the scenario and lie in wait to cite anyone who doesn't execute a textbook stop. Absent their trap - no harm, no foul.

    Would be like a doughnut shop enticing an officer to extend his break by bringing a fresh batch to the counter!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "easy money", no. It's done to shut up friggen idiots from the public who say cops don't do enough to curb traffic issues.

    July 9, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    I hardly hear anyone say kops don't do enough speed traps, er, I mean traffic enforcement.

    I do hear a LOT of kops don't do enough real crime solving, kops kill pets, kops kill people ( more people have been killed by kops than the war in the middle east), the assaults, the stealing, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

    Enjoy the time you have left, it is soon coming to an end.

  11. To those of you who are critical of the police doing their job at the crosswalk, I bet you are the ones who would be the first to sue the driver who hit you when they didn't stop as required by law.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To those of you who are critical of the police doing their job at the crosswalk, I bet you are the ones who would be the first to sue the driver who hit you when they didn't stop as required by law.

    July 10, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    Of course, since the driver broke the law and hurt someone.

    But that is not the issue here. But good attempt at trying to justify the crap kops do.

  13. I wonder what happens when this idiot that walks out in traffic gets hit. Yes he had the right of way....but now he is dead right!

  14. They should have someone that does the same thing to the police. Walk out in front of them as they take off after the car.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wonder what happens when this idiot that walks out in traffic gets hit. Yes he had the right of way....but now he is dead right!

    July 11, 2014 at 10:52 PM

    Well since this idiot is a kop, I don't think many would mind him getting hit.

  16. Paul McCartney is alive and well.

  17. Its just like hiding in a cherry picker and pulling over speeders on Route 50


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