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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Veteran Arrested at Gunpoint for Legal Open Carry

A recently published cell phone video out of Wash. state shows an Air Force veteran being arrested at gunpoint for legally open carrying an AR-15 rifle.


  1. I am so tired of seeing these idiots open carrying an AR15 and getting surprised when they get a cop pointing a gun at them or even being talked to about it. I am a Veteran and I would never think of carrying my AR15 out in public just because the public will call the police which leads to a bigger scene....

    Times have changed and yes the Constitution may say the right to bear arms, but damn not in todays society with all the active shooters going on.

  2. I'm all for Gun rights, but these people who open carry to make a point are idiots...

  3. You are more likely to be killed by a kop than anyone else and they open carry all the time.

    He is exercising his right to open carry, and you schmucks call him an idiot? Incredible.

    They are completely legal and people are scared of them but not the kops or other criminals who have guns.

    You should support these people, not condemn them. You are lending support to those that want to take our rights away.

  4. 8:14 I agree. This guy is just looking for trouble. If I wanted to carry my gun someplace I'd just put it in my truck and go. There is no need to rial people up by walking down the street with it. And, I'm a Vet as well.

  5. 10:14...

    I am sorry, you are right I should have not called this guy an idiot, but my point is carry your AR15 or rifle in the vehicle. Have a handgun on your hip if you want, but carrying the rifle in public just causes issues. Not saying it is wrong, its not. But just causes more of a problem with it out in public. Plus I am sure its slung on his back and even more of a hazard if someone wanted to grab a hold of it or him while it is slung on his person.

  6. You are all missing the point here. The mere fact that these events happen is because we have already surrendered our 2nd amendment rights. These folks are just proving the point. We all have these rights whether you choose to exercise them is your personal choice, not the choice of your neighbor. I personally wouldn't open carry because it defeats the purpose of being armed in the first place. But that is my choice not yours.

  7. If you define exercising your constitutional right as trouble making then you are the idiots.

    These people know exactly what they are doing. They are putting themselves in mortal danger hoping to elicit a response from officers that shows exactly what is going on. And that is the erosion of our rights. The simple fact is nothing this person did was illegal in any way.

    What I took from this video was that the police were hell bent on arresting this person to make their point and in doing so they simply reinforced the point the veteran was likely trying to make. We have police that are uniformed, underinformed or simply given directives by their commanding officers to use gestapo tactics to control the population.

    When I read story after story about the tyrannical nature of the police forces and our government its easy to see where all of this is headed.

    If one of the first things a police officer does is to swear to protect and uphold the constitution then why is that not happening? Any cop that that violates this oath is a government thug and should be removed either through dept intervention(fat chance) or at the hands of the people they serve.

    Rest assured there will a come time when we will all have to make difficult choices and it gets closer every day.

  8. So 8:14, 9:11 and 10:28, I guess you would have no problem with the cops pulling you over in your car without probable cause? Or how about frisking your wife because she "might" be caring a concealed weapon? Or how about if they just walk the hell into your house and start looking around? How in the hell do you think communist regimes get their start? By creating a POLICE state! The cops are supposed to be the FIRST ones to know the LAW. If this guy is not breaking the law, leave him alone. Sad thing is though, it's SHEEPLE like you that won't stand against a POLICE STATE until it's to damn late.

  9. Carrying an ar15 in public is beyond stupid abd he got what he deserved...not very smart move on his part.....

  10. Good point 12:23

  11. People are scared of people who open carry because they are conditioned to be scared by the police and media.

    When I was a kid it was common to see gun racks inside pickup trucks riding down the roads.

    What happened? The guns didn't change.

    If no one has a gun except the person who wants to shoot people, what will happen?

    Now, same scenario, but this time people are armed. What would happen this time?

    Guns save more lives than takes them. You just don't hear about them splashed on the news like killings are.

    Any gun law, or any other law, will only affect people who follow the law. Criminals will not follow any law, because they are criminals.

    Criminals are not affected at all, until they are caught.

    Passing laws only erode more of the law abiding peoples rights, no matter how good the law might sound or any promises made by politicians or kops.

  12. I guess you would have no problem with the cops pulling you over in your car without probable cause? Or how about frisking your wife because she "might" be caring a concealed weapon? Or how about if they just walk the hell into your house and start looking around? 12:23 PM

    Unfortunately, the kops have already been doing all those things.

    Checkpoints. New York's stop and frisk law. Sneak and peek warrants.

    I have just learned about the sneak and peeks warrants recently.

    If I remember correctly, the C.I.A. were the first ones to use them, then police started using them.

    What those warrants are used for is kops, or whoever, can break into your home, or business I guess, and look around for evidence. They could also plant evidence. Or they could take, steal, anything they wanted. Usually they enter and exit without leaving a trace, but sometimes they make it look like a burglary to cover their tracks.

    The enter when no one is home, or at least try to. What do you think would happen if someone came home and found them there? Not a good picture.

    In closing, did you know there was a time you could order a gun from a catalog and it would be delivered to your home? Or that gun safety was taught in schools, with a gun?

  13. If he "just" wanted to exercise his constitutional rights to carry a firearm then he should have just stated his name. The cops would have checked to be sure it was legal and told him to walk on. But he has to keep up with the, "Am I being detained?" line. And it just so happened that he had a video recorder walking right along with him. How convenient.

    He could be headed for the local primary school to shoot up a few kids but if he doesn't give his name, how can they know what he is up to. And you can bet if he had left there and headed for the local primary school and shot someone the officers would be the first ones to be blamed.

    Just stupid posturing. Like they do down at the border. "I'm just a US citizen riding trying to get home. AM I BEING DETAINED?" Oh, and by the way you are being recorded.

    Then he wants to exercise his right not to tell them who he is. Well that is all well and good to except for the fact that he is carrying the AR-15. How do they know he is just exercising his "second amendment rights" if he won't tell them who he is. He could be a child killing felon who just escaped from the local jail, or just carried out a home invasion and stole the AR-15.

  14. I use to get upset and angry when I watched American citizens openly carry any weapon to bring attention to them selves. Then I realized something Americans shed their blood for freedom. It is still our Constitutional right. Americans use to as late as 1974 openly carry everywhere and their were few if any mass killings. Not one person gave open carry a second thought. Then twisted diseased Socialist liberal ideology began to fester in our schools and Government. Quite oppression upon the American people began to fester. Americans began to fear the Government and its threats. If every honest American stepped out side armed and walk along our streets, how many nut jobs do you think would get away with mass killings of the innocent? With the sound of the first shot fired the scumbag would lay dead in the street. If you fear the Government over the Constitution then it is time to throw out this Government and reestablish the United States Constitution as it was written.

  15. Ron Tilghman,

    Go back in your hole. And learn proper grammar. You are an embarrassment to the profession.

    There is NO OPEN CARRY of handguns allowed in MD, period.

  16. 6:42 PM

    It's a shame people think like you do. You are just one more obstacle in the way of freedom.

    There is NO OPEN CARRY of handguns allowed in MD, period.

    July 13, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Yeah, yeah, we know that, unless you're a kop of course. And even that should be stopped, as well as police altogether. They have become more of a problem than a help.

    I guess spelling nazis don't take Sundays off eh?

  17. Many states seem to have the open carry limited to long guns. That is the "problem" here. I'm sure ALL of these open carry activists in states that preclude handgun open carry, which is much less visible, and fits in better with personal protection would rather carry handguns. Unfortunately, in order to demonstrate that guns can be carried openly without killing everything in sight, they are limited to long guns. This stirs up consternation, just as lawmakers intended, so they can take that right away next.

    Watch Georgia next. Now one can legally open carry a handgun. Watch the crime go to zero there. Watch the reduction of gun deaths.


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