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Sunday, July 27, 2014

People Changing Clothes At OC Comfort Stations Causing Problems

OCEAN CITY – City officials have recognized that long waits at Boardwalk restrooms during peak times are a result of people utilizing the stalls as makeshift changing rooms.

During Monday evening’s Mayor and City Council legislative session, Recreation and Parks Commission Chair Councilman Joe Mitrecic included in his report of last week’s commission meeting that staff suggested adding port-a-potties to the Boardwalk when expecting larger crowds in town, such as on the 4th of July.

“There was talk about on the 4th of July the attendance was so great downtown that we have to possibly think about putting in some port-a-pots as our restroom facilities are overwhelmed, and it puts an additional onus on the Boardwalk properties and storefronts to use their bathrooms, and it just starts to get out of control,” Mitrecic said.



  1. What PIG would want to use a filthy bathroom stall to change there clothes it.

    I have noticed that the rinse off showers at the inlet parking lot has a lot of people taking their showers there when they get out of the water and they seem to be all Hispanic nationals.

  2. 11:26. I have noticed this also. It's almost as if they are living in the parking lot.

  3. Transgender Salisbury University StudentJuly 26, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    OH MY...it is a great Place to meet guys in the Bathroom....

  4. Transgender Salisbury University Student said...
    OH MY...it is a great Place to meet guys in the Bathroom....

    July 26, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    Salisbury's Mare has done it so why not! The only problem is he got caught on a beach in Delaware and go arrested.

    I wonder how many Democrat mares across the country have criminal records like Salisbury's Mare.

    Remember DC Mare Marian Barry?

  5. 11:26 AM I have also noticed this and it is outrageous. I couldn't even rinse the sand off my kids feet before they got back into the car because of the Hispanics. I saw one was even washing his hair with soap while we tried to wait. I was so disgusted I left. I don't go to the boardwalk or Ocean City beaches anymore because of these weird free loaders.

  6. Before the police enforced keeping them out from under the pier it was like an MS-13 gang meeting under there and a landfill once they left. Now they just spread it out over the whole stretch from the pier to the jetty.

  7. Day trippers used to have the option of using one of several Bath Houses downtown to clean up after a day at the beach. They have all closed leaving the Day-trippers no other option. In the 1990s Albright's Bath house did lots of business with the Hispanic visitors.

  8. So build and open a bath house and charge for the restrooms, or both? IDK, if both facilities are made available, won't people use them accordingly without overcrowding? Sounds to me that the Town has more customers than facilities.

    Is that the visitors' fault?

  9. 6:59
    Many of the ones that use the comforst station to change in are the ones that are not renting a room in OC. They either come down for the day or they come down for the weekend and sleep in their vehicles. Most spend little to no money other than for parking. Years ago they had signs that stated no changing clothes because of this same problem.

  10. Oh, okay, 7:11, I understand now. I'm a Salisburian that only hates OC twice a year; once in the summer and once all winter! No use for the place, personally, but as an outsider, I'd think that human traffic that needs to shower and change clothes from coming off the beach is huge and needs to be addressed. If the homeless use it as well, so be it. At least the homeless beggars we have to put up with will at least smell nice. I don't see this as a problem. There are some people who don't have a dime to spend in every town in America.

  11. As long as we continue to let these filthy subhumans in our country we're going to have to put up with their filthy subhuman 3rd world actions.
    These public showers are probably the first real washing they've done in days, probably weeks. So, just keep letting the 3rd world freeloaders in and eventually we'll become a 3rd world nation ourselves.

  12. 7:11 comments:
    "Many of the ones that use the comforst station to change in are the ones that are not renting a room in OC. They either come down for the day or they come down for the weekend and sleep in their vehicles. Most spend little to no money other than for parking. Years ago they had signs that stated no changing clothes because of this same problem."

    So how is this any different from 30-40 years ago. Day trippers were changing clothes in the bathrooms back in the 70's and 80's and people were sleeping in their cars at night back then. It is posted that you can't change clothes in the bathrooms or sleep in cars or on the beach now just as it was in the 70's. The only difference is in the 70's it was young adults and what some would call poor white trash and now it is Hispanics.

    It is time for OC to build some bathhouses or allow private enterprise to do so. But the Hotel industry doesn't want that. They don't want locals or anyone else that isn't paying big money to spend 3 or more nights.

  13. I heard, them but didn't see them, in the comfort station having sex in the stall. Again, not renting a room for the weekend.

  14. Porta potties won't work since they'll undercut the all important demo flush!

    Really, how hard would it be to put a shower head within a few feet of every exit from the beach so folks could rinse off?

    And a business that charged a very low fee to change and had a couple locations sounds like an easy way to coin money. Coin op showers for some stalls; dry for others. Easy peasy!

  15. A bathhouse sounds like a good idea but the cost to build one and maintain it is another issue. Just like any other town water is not free and heating the water is not free either. How many people would actually pay to use a bathhouse? My guess would be the same ones that are using the comfort stations for their unintended purposes would still use them and avoid having to pay anything for their use of water or the facility.

  16. OH Jeeezzzz. When I was younger we would go to the ocean for the day from Salisbury. We spent the day on the beach and had lunch at thrashers and hamburger joints. Later we went to the bathhouse and to clean up for the evening. We got groomed and then went to dinner at
    City Lunch where the catch of the day was both delicious and cheap. Later we played games on the boardwalk and met with friends. After a fun evening we all jumped in the car and headed back home. Now those were the GOOD OLE DAYS.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh, okay, 7:11, I understand now. I'm a Salisburian that only hates OC twice a year; once in the summer and once all winter! No use for the place, personally, but as an outsider, I'd think that human traffic that needs to shower and change clothes from coming off the beach is huge and needs to be addressed. If the homeless use it as well, so be it. At least the homeless beggars we have to put up with will at least smell nice. I don't see this as a problem. There are some people who don't have a dime to spend in every town in America.

    July 26, 2014 at 7:47 PM

    Who do you suggest pays for it? You obviously don't spend money in OC and you think it must be free. You must be a democrat and an Obama voter.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    OH Jeeezzzz. When I was younger we would go to the ocean for the day from Salisbury. We spent the day on the beach and had lunch at thrashers and hamburger joints. Later we went to the bathhouse and to clean up for the evening. We got groomed and then went to dinner at
    City Lunch where the catch of the day was both delicious and cheap. Later we played games on the boardwalk and met with friends. After a fun evening we all jumped in the car and headed back home. Now those were the GOOD OLE DAYS.

    July 26, 2014 at 10:16 PM

    Did the bath houses actually have warm water or did you just change clothes?

  19. OC has never had enough public restrooms. They want the big crowds so they can make $ off of, but how bout a decent place to piss. Didn't oc just spend a bunch of money on a boat they didn't need?


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