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Sunday, July 27, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: US embassy in Libya evacuated

State Department orders American staffers at U.S. embassy in Libya to be evacuated over intensified clashes between militias in Tripoli.



  1. But I thought Obama said the muslims were going to have a greater respect for the US since he understood them better than previous presidents?
    His arab spring's really working out isn't it-LOL! The middle east and northern Africa are burning and it's spreading all over the region as a wildfire will.
    Obama as well as every other single democrat are losers through and through. Everything they have ever touched has gone to hell and this is a fact. Democrat is the party for all those in the moron/imbecile/idiot IQ levels. As well as the party of pathological liars, and those with no principles or morals.

  2. I thought that embassy had been evacuated for at least 2 years already.

  3. No 10:52. It was closed from the early 80's and reopened in 2006. Diplomatic relations resumed due to the respect Quadfi had for President Bush and specifically for then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. At that point in time and as a result of that respect it was most likely more secure and protected than the White House by Quadfi's forces.
    It was evacuated briefly in early 2011 because of the "civil war" really terrorists trying to get a stronghold and Quadfi's weaponry.
    Reopened later on that year and hasn't been closed since.
    The embassy is in Tripoli and this is where the murdered ambassador worked out of. Benghazi was just an outpost/mission that he happened to be visiting that day.

  4. This is another Obama success story in the Muzzie world!

  5. YooHoo-where are Alex and the rest of the obamanistas who praised Obama and his Arab Spring?
    I take great pleasure in telling all of them
    It's happening just like some of us said it would. The Middle East and Northern Africa are in flames. The militant islamists are taking over and terrorism is more alive and well and thriving then it's ever ever been in history and you can thank Obama exclusively for this.
    He has made a mess of former safe secular countries in that region and anyone who is proud of Obama in any form is one ignorant foul person.

  6. The muslims love to kill each other . Correction , just love to kill.

  7. Does anyone think this is anywhere near important enough for Obama to cancel his golf game or fund raising? I don't think he cares about anything but himself and his cronies and protectors.

  8. England better wake up to.


    Apparently none to Hillary Clinton.

  10. @3:12 PM you better believe England better wake up. I just can't understand why they tolerate this crap. England and the US are 2 of the weakest countries in the world for caving into the Muslims.

    The Muslims will control the world before you know it and King Obama thinks he will be the ruler. That is why he and his administration is doing what they are doing.

  11. ISIS has already told Obama they're coming after him, 4:55PM. What really has me puzzled though, is how he intends to hide once he's out of office. He won't have the 800 meter protected zone around him. He won't have the hundreds of jackbooted SS officers covering him or his family. He must have a plan or he's even more ignorant then I think.

  12. Should send old lady Clinton there!

  13. 8:07-They could take him out tomorrow if they wanted to. That was just talk. However now that they are on the record, some of Obama's genuine enemies namely Iran, Syria and Russia might be tempted to do it and blame it on ISIS. I doubt if Assad had forgotten that Obama was planning to kill him with a cruise missile.

  14. the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.....

  15. Why wasn't Benghazi evacuated ?

  16. "Anonymous said...
    Why wasn't Benghazi evacuated ?

    July 27, 2014 at 11:35 AM"

    Benghazi's done-since the attack. They were private properties rented by the US gov't from private individuals that were turned into diplomatic outposts.

  17. I guess when people learn all of their information from Zionist owned media outlets they are totally misinformed about Islam.

    What else should we expect?

    Lybia is a mess since our CIA killed our Ambassador for funding Al Queda in Syria

  18. 2:09
    Zionist owned media? Really? People are onto your propaganda. Tell me which media is owned by Zionists. Turn on CNN, MSNBC, HLN or any of them and tell me how they are zionist. Every one of them is guilty of bias reporting when it comes to the war in Palestine and Israel. How about you tell your cult of Islam to stop killing people. Stop hiding your bombs and ammo in hospitals and schools. Yes there is video of it you can't deny the facts. Tells some more lies. Your quran says it is ok as long as it benefits your religion right? You hide behind women and children then cry when they are killed. You have no problem blowing yourself up along with other innocent people so you can be a martyr. That's what your allah wants right? What kind of freak thinks it is ok to kill another person because of verses in a quran. So again SHOW me which media is owned by Zionists.

  19. You really need to get out from under your rock and start watching the news before opening your mouth because you sound like a clueless simpleton.
    FYI-99.9% of the media outlets are blaming Israel.
    You are the one who needs a lesson or 2 on Islam. They are sick sick inbred degenerates who are living still in the stone ages. The Gaza Palestians are living in poverty worst than anything in this country. People are hungry and dying from lack of medical care. Those lucky enough have a tent to call home. The US and other countries has sent billions to them and instead of helping their own people, they build tunnels to bomb Israel.
    This is what Islam is all about hatred and no respect for life including those of their own. They have no qualms about taking an innocent child strapping a bomb on them and using the child to blow up themselves and people of other faiths.
    They are morbid people who due to inbreeding within tribes and sects the mental illness is rampant. Israel should blow them all up children included. They don't care about their own children so no one else should either. The devil is waiting for them.

  20. 2:09
    Anyone with a brain should be embarrassed to be a muslim.
    No one of any decency would ever identify with such a "religion" that in this day and age mutilates people, oppresses females, uses woman and children as shields.
    All religions were at some point guilty of atrocities and all others have evolved into a civilized existence except for islam.
    It's time to say something is seriously wrong with the whole religion.

  21. Isn't that long overdue?

  22. 4:04 Something is seriously wrong with the whole religion. (I've always known).


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