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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Obama says Biden would make 'superb' president

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama said Joe Biden would make a "superb" president, but questioned whether his vice president or potential rival Hillary Clinton would want to endure another campaign for the White House, a media report on Monday said.

Obama, in an interview with the New Yorker, said Biden "has seen the job up close, he knows what the job entails. He understands how to separate what’s really important from what’s less important. I think he’s got great people skills. He enjoys politics, and he’s got important relationships up on the Hill (in Congress) that would serve him well."

"Joe would be a superb president," Obama told the magazine in an article on Biden in its July 28 issue, which was published online on Monday.



  1. Ya right! This idiot is the only reason that Obama is still alive, no one wants to be responsible for putting this nut into office!

  2. I thought so before, but I know for sure now, Obama is crazy to think Biden would make a great president.

  3. not only fundraisers but obama has time to do interviews


  4. "Joe would be a superb president", he said while snacking on munchies as the smoke dissipated from the room.

    That's probably the context in which the comment was offered.

    Slow Joe is the kind of living proof of the Peter Principle that OweBrown is in Maryland. Only the size of the stage they play on differs.

  5. With all of our problems in this country and around the world, now is the time we really need a 24/7 president. At least one with better work ethics. Our current president is more interested in jet setting to accumulate plenty of War-Bucks to manipulate the next election and future elections. We need a true problem solver, like yesterday!

  6. That is a WOW statement if I ever heard one.

  7. Anyone who has OBama for a campaign manager is a SURE loser!
    Anyone who would listen to anything either of them needs professional medical attention!

  8. Ha F-ing Ha. He was a horrible "governor", a worse VP, who has ZERO common sense, and negative sense on the laws of this land. He's a stump.

  9. yes, we need a change,,, but, who???

  10. I would say that Biden was a retard, but that would be an insult to retards.

  11. Could you just imagine the laughs we would receive from a Biden for president campaign.

  12. I used to think that Joe Biden had the worst reputation for making stupid comments, Obama is good competition for his rank.

  13. This has some accuracy if Odumbo is using himself as a basis for comparison. Joe may be a slobbering drunkard, but he wouldn't be any worse than the current idiot. As a matter of fact, Biden is a good bit more entertaining - in a slapstick 'did he really say that?' kind of way.

  14. If owebama recommends him steer clear!! We do not want anything Obama thinks would be good, cause he is the pits himself and we need change. like a REPUBLICAN with some sense!!!

  15. WAIT! Everybody; is this the "invitation"?

    Think about it. He can't be re-elected. Biden is brain dead, and stopping the carnage on our Constitution is a great idea.

    For the next 2 years, yes, I'm for Biden for President.

    Rather to have a man who can't find his arse with both hands that the Idiot in Chief we have now.

  16. Obviously Biden already knows all of the bosses. They must like him just fine. I would say they may choose him.

    Once they make their decision, they will let us know how to vote.

  17. Superb President--YES--at the local Clown College!

  18. Another gleaming example of Obamas incompetence!


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