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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Duck Dynasty’s Missy: We Were Virgins Until Marriage – No Baggage, No Diseases, and God Recommended It

Duck Dynasty’sMissy Robertson said she “definitely recommends” chastity before marriage and added that she and her husband, Jase Robertson, maintained their virginity until their wedding night and, in this way, they “have no baggage, we have no diseases,” and “God recommended” such self-discipline for couples “many, many moons ago.”

Missy Robertson also said the highly popular Duck Dynasty television program was an opportunity that God provided to the Robertson family to spread a pro-family, pro-Christian message – “a way for us to get that message out” – stressing that the family hopes “to appeal to people, so they can want to learn more about this Jesus, who is this character, and why our family works, why are we not broken apart?”

At a Capitol Hill event to raise awareness about children born with cleft palates and lips – a condition the Robertson’s daughter, Mia, was born with – CNSNews.com, in an exclusive interview, asked Missy Robertson, “In your husband’s book, Good Call, he talks about your courtship and how the both of you maintained your virginity before you were married. And I wanted to know if you would recommend that for all young couples and, if so, what specific advice or counsel could you give to young folks today who are considering getting married and are trying to stay chaste before marriage?”


  1. How does ANYONE still give a flying turd what these idiots have to say about anything?

  2. I was raised to test drive a car before purchasing it.

  3. 7:43-My thoughts exactly.I thought they had been cancelled,or at least I hoped so.

  4. That was her choice but why do we have to hear about it?

  5. 7:50, there is a difference between a car and a human after all. test driving humans is not a good idea. emotional, physical (disease,etc.), and spiritual are all things you have to deal with later.

    these guys got it right. period.

  6. Sorry they are as popular as ever sodomite I mean mayor.

  7. 3 out of 4 comments negative about this family. American wonders why the morals in this country are headed in the wrong direction.

  8. 7:43 and9:10 , can you explain the problem you have with them , or would you rather just stick with your well spoken term of " flying turd "?

  9. 7:50 I'm with you. I wanted to know how my wife would handle in the sheets. If it's not good, I don't want to find out after the wedding. No thanks.

  10. yes @12.$$ because that is all a marriage is based on right? Glad I'm not your wife you loser!

  11. Guess "waiting for marriage" really is successful, I mean, what are the divorce stats among believers right now? COUGH COUGH

  12. I respect the direction the Duck Dynasty couples took and wish them well. Myself, on the other hand, I am a horndog and try to score on the first date.

  13. 7:50 AM do you want your daughter test driven before her marriage?

  14. 12:44PM so you based your future relationship on sex rather then love? Wonder if you passed your wife expectations?

  15. It's not just the liberal democrats, but some of the mindless Dumb @$$ who show why America is failing, no morals, respect or sense of family.

  16. I would atleast like to know if that thing has teeth bfore I marry it

  17. You weren't raised right then 7:50. If your parents taught you than an object has more value than a human then they aren't worth a darn as parents.
    So sorry for your bad luck with being stuck with them.
    10:00-You are ridiculous. no one is making you or forcing you to hear about this.
    It's not like it's rocket science or anything. Don't read about it.

  18. She is beautiful!


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