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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Driver Stops To Help Ducklings, Gets Ticket

NEWFIELDS, N.H. (AP) -- A New Hampshire woman who called police after stopping in a highway median to help some stranded ducklings plans to fight a $44 ticket.

Hallie Bibeau of Newfields says she was driving east on Route 101 on Friday when she had to slam on her brakes to avoid hitting the ducklings. She says their mother and several of the ducklings were hit by a car. The mother died.

The 33-year-old Bibeau called 911, got out of her car and captured the two surviving ducklings.



  1. So apparently this cop thinks it's fine to just run animals down in the road. Shame on him.

  2. No good deed goes unpunished.

    I have seen the Gestapo like State Troopers in that area - they have earned their Richard-Cranium reputation!

  3. She did the right thing. Ticketing her was justified but not the right thing to do. Just pay the ticket and sleep good at night knowing you did the right thing.

  4. and cops demand respect... remeber that when they ar eon here running their mouth about how they deserve this and that...

    They deserve shit... they get paid to make money for the state... they work for the highest bidder... they get paid to ruin lives...

    they don't get respect in my book... if you want it then earn it or go be a firefighter or EMT... They are the true heros...

  5. They rather catch 17 year olds drinking at the CollegeJuly 23, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    On Riverside Drive I watched as a truck ran over a Goose as it crossed the road....I went to try to get a TAG number to report him, and Salisbury Police stopped me saying they got a report of a crazy driver on Riverside drive...I told them what happened.

  6. Seriously? 911 for ducklings? Just fix the problem and move on. People need to learn that they have the power to create positive change...it's not the role of government to do everything for you.

  7. A girl in Canada is getting 20 years for doing the same stupid thing. She stopped in the middle of a highway to help some duck and caused a major traffic accident that killed 2 people.
    REALLY ? They're just stupid ducks, not worth risking everyone's lives over. Wake up libtards!

  8. I stand corrected. She's facing life! Article in the UK telegraph

    "Canadian woman who stopped car to help ducks faces life in jail after causing fatal crash"

    "Emma Czornobaj sentenced over deaths of Andre Roy and 16-year-old daughter Jessie for parking car on busy road after seeing ducklings without their mother"

  9. Anonymous said...
    A girl in Canada is getting 20 years for doing the same stupid thing. She stopped in the middle of a highway to help some duck and caused a major traffic accident that killed 2 people.
    REALLY ? They're just stupid ducks, not worth risking everyone's lives over. Wake up libtards!

    July 23, 2014 at 6:07 PM

    Thank you!!

  10. The mother duck will make good food , when the smaller ones get bigger , smack your lips mamma.

  11. Those of you who love ducks , me too.
    They make good eating , road kill at it's best when fresh.

  12. I run over animals all the time. I was taught to never swerve for animals, it is a very dangerous habit to get into. How many times have you read that someone lost control of their car trying to miss a deer, or dog, flipped their car and died. It is only an animal. As for running over dogs, the owners need to keep their pets fenced or on a chain.

  13. Many times I have read in the news about a single car accident, driver flipped over in a ditch, and no answer as to why. Yes, swerving for animals is a bad habit, I slow down, but you can't on 13 or you get rear-ended, so I too have hit ducks, geese, a dog, squirrels.

  14. I saw a guy in a nice suit out by rt.13 overpass carrying a turtle across the dual.
    (Nice looking fellow, too!)

  15. Wait. Hold on. Didn't this blog, only a few weeks ago, HAIL the cop in Ocean City who stopped traffic (complete with photograph?) so some ducks could cross the street?
    How much was HIS fine? Its either right or it's wrong. Which is it, cheering crowds?


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