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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Muslim Cleric Says Islam Sees No Distinction Between Combatants and Civilians, So Killing American Women and Children Is Fine

A radical Muslim cleric in Sudan with a history of incendiary statements against the U.S. now says that under Islam there is no distinction between combatant and civilian and thus American women and children are fair game for militant attacks.

“In its war with the infidels, Islam recognizes no distinction between regular armies and civilians,” said Sudanese cleric Muhammad Al-Jazouli at his Friday sermon, citing a fatwa, or religious ruling.

The Middle East Media Research Institute found video of the sermon and posted translated excerpts online.



  1. nothing to see here just a religion of peace

  2. He has been invited to the White House next week. He is a friend of Obama's illegal uncle that Obama said he had never met, but lived with him for two weeks. Have you people had enough yet?

  3. That's a RADICAL muslim cleric, one who is essentially nuts.

  4. Can I rent a drone?


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