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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hundreds of cities fight back against ‘invasion’

Massive 'surge' in national protest this week

A massive protest scheduled for July 18 and 19 across the United States is aimed at stopping the influx of Central American children flooding across the border, and more than a dozen smaller community protests already have played roles in stopping the children from being brought there.

Citizens in Westminster, Maryland; Oracle, Arizona; Vassar, Michigan; Greece, New York, and many other places have blocked the importation of illegal aliens into their communities through public protests, letters and official resolutions from elected leaders.

See full list below.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh led his show Tuesday with stories about the successful pushback against the illegals going on across America.

“Here’s what you do not know,” he said. “There are towns all over America standing up to this invasion, just like they did in Murrieta, California. You’re not hearing about it, however, and I am here to tell you why you’re not hearing about it. Westminster, Maryland, is a town standing up to it, just like Murrieta, California, did. Oracle, Arizona, is standing up to it.



  1. Thank you Messiah George W Bush.. Once again.. created problems to pass off on the next guy.. only reason illegals are not being deported is a bill that requires different treatment for non Mexicans..

  2. What would Jesus do?

  3. Treating people like dirt is nothing to be proud of.

  4. @ 6:22 I assume you are speaking of Obama...

  5. Don't believe in protesting against this?? Then be the first in line to sponsor 8 or 10 of these illegals. What? You can't afford to do that? Well neither can this state or any other state in this country. Got to draw a line somewhere.

  6. 6:22 Why don't you just shut your pie hole, because you don't have a clue, these people are not being treated like dirt, if anything they are being treated better than our own who are on welfare, further more keep believing what the media is feeding you. I don't begrudge nobody for wanting to come here, but do it the legal way. And if I heard they were bringing them here locally I would be right out there protesting also, they are bringing their diseases, bugs, ect.. if you and anyone else feels sorry for them or thinks its ok then why don't you people be the first to step up and take some of them to your home and care for them.


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