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Thursday, July 17, 2014

After criticizing White House over unaccompanied minors, Martin O’Malley said don’t send them to Maryland site

(CNN) - After his strong criticism of the Obama administration's plans to return thousands of young undocumented migrants back to Central America, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley asked a top White House official that the children not be sent to a site that was under consideration in his home state, sources familiar with the conversation said.

"He privately said 'please don't send these kids to Western Maryland,'" a Democratic source told CNN. The heated discussion between O'Malley and White House domestic policy adviser Cecilia Munoz occurred during a phone call late Friday evening, sources familiar with the conversation added.

A potential Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, O'Malley surprised some in his party when he sharply criticized a White House proposal to give new legal authorities to the Department of Homeland Security to expedite the deportation of the unaccompanied minors and their families.

“We are not a country that should turn children away and send them back to certain death,” O’Malley said last week at a National Governors Association meeting in Nashville.



  1. So since he allegedly said not to send them to Western MD, was he implying that it was o.k. if they sent the illegals over here?

  2. It implies that the Gov thinks the entire state with few exceptions is a bunch of hicks, rednecks and Klansmen. Everyone thank the Big Mc.

  3. O'Malley will find a way to bring them in if it creates another new tax.

  4. O'Malley is a two faced pretender -- keep them as long as is not in Maryland. What is each state did the same.

    And Brown is worse.

  5. The gov talking smack about BO? He must realize that in 2016 his only chance is to run as Billary's boi-toy VP.


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