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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Judge Tells Old Mill In Delmar, "Since When Does Ammo Kill"

Back in April we did THIS POST followed up by THIS POST referencing a young woman who had a horrible experience at the Old Mill in Delmar. Click on the above links to get all the details.

Well the case finally went to Court. The honorable Judge clearly felt the case was ridiculous and suggested each party go to mediation. The young lady immediately agreed while the Owner of the Old Mill refused, not a wise decision.

Because they had refused, another court date was set and finally was heard this week. Sources informed us that the Owner and Managers of the Old Mill were behaving like children and this too didn't set well with the Judge. 

When they realized their case wasn't going to go their way they started asking the Judge to put this woman in Jail. The honorable Judge said, for what. Since when does ammo kill? (again, go back to the links and see why). 

Then they demanded this young lady NOT speak to ANY of their employees. Again, the honorable Judge said, how the heck is she supposed to know who is and isn't one of your employees. 

Let's chalk one up for FREEDOM OF SPEECH and the fact that we have multiple honorable Judges who hold incredible wisdom. 


  1. We are still not eating at Old Mill and will never eat there again!

  2. Somebody should turn them in for trying to look like old bay in the metro magazine last month.

  3. I have had crabs twice this year. Both times we set the date with friends we all agreed that Old Mill is no longer getting our business. Enjoy the slow decline.

    What would posses a business owner to take this as far as its gone is beyond me. When a simple apology would have solved the problem.

  4. Not the same as when the Kowolski's owned it

  5. wow was just getting ready and was looking forward to going to the old mill this friday. after reading how this guest was treated ill drive the extra miles and go to the redroost.

  6. Not even close to the same as when the Kowolski's owned that place. I went there with my family a few weeks ago and wont be going back. I didn't realize that owners of the Red Roost owned the EVO brewery. You should have seen the look on the servers face when I asked is they sold EVO. It was quite comical.

    Either way, the crabs were way too small and not very hot.

  7. If u like ignorant ppl taking ur money . then go to old mill

  8. Crabs at the Old Mill taste like they have been recooked horrible crabs
    I sure miss Bob and his crew

  9. The best place to eat crabs and burgers is the Silver Saddle.

  10. I still cant believe the Old Mill owners towed a car out of their parking lot. Its not like they have limited parking. What harm is it toward the old mill if someone leaves there car overnight.

    1. It wasn't left overnight. She went back with someone to drive her car ( since she had been drinking and didn't want to drive)and the car was towed! It was Crazy. The Old Mill owner should've just apologized and it would've been dropped. At the very least the Old Mill owner should have worked it out through mediation like the judge suggested. Now they have a bad reputation and bussiness has dropped off.

  11. 4:09 because these people are total a-holes have you ever met them they also treat their employees like crap also

  12. The whole thing was rotten.
    First off no decent person of an establishment that serves alcohol would ever tow a car for just parking there overnight even. This is proof that you do not feel any moral responsibility toward not only customers but the public in general. Shows a major character flaw.
    Secondly the sign said no "overnight" parking and the car wasn't even there overnight.
    This is just stupidity. When your own sign says no overnight parking then you tow when the car if it's still there in the morning.
    She needs to sue them for expenses incurred.

  13. Chesapeake Crabhouse in Crisfield has great crabs.

  14. I am not ever going back to Ole Mill. The last time I went, I got sick because the fried chicken was so saturated with oil. It was sickening - and I paid a tremendous price for it. We won't ever be visiting the establishment again.

  15. I prefer Old Mill to Red Roost any day. I haven't had any problem them so I'll continue to go. Every story has too sides.

  16. To 7:15 Poster

    Before its all over - I'll bet you they'll have to shut down Ole Mill. The stubborn owner and/or owners own actions will result in them losing almost all of their business. As for myself and my family, I'll never return.

  17. 7:33, at your education level, I'm sure the Old Mill is the best place for you to be.

    As for the more educated among us, the facts remain baffling here. First, the owners decided to create a locked, enclosed parking lot. Then, they outlawed OVERNIGHT parking there.

    Now, If you want to tow the "overnighters", you don't have the car towed when the store closes before "overnight" occurs, (premium towing fees) but instead, you wait until you unlock the gated upon opening the store the next day, and just have the tow truck meet you then. (Day prices)

    However, the rub in court will still be the fact that you have decided to lock and "impound cars" in your lot for that time frame, therefore preventing tipsy drivers from doing the right thing finding a sober driver to remove the car before "overnight" is over.

    So, you lose in court again.


    These people are Shiite A**holes, and need to lose their business to bankruptcy court.

    I will help in this effort every day.

  18. Every side has two sides too but since you have limited english skills. we will give you a pass.

  19. 8:06 PM 8:24 PM

    You need to go back to summer school and let the adults talk. Your comments are part of what's wrong here.

  20. Yeah. Let's argue about towing policies in hickville while there are international catastrophes that impact global markets like 295 people in a jet getting shot down over the Ukraine.

  21. 10:22
    I'll put my education and net worth up against yours any day of the week.

  22. 7:33 I agree!! Never had anything but GREAT Food and FANTASTIC SERVICE, I wouldn't stop going for any reason EXCEPT out of crabs! 10:22 exactly right...8:06 must be an immature child. PERIOD!

  23. First of all the old mill is a PRIVATE company and their parking lot is PRIVATE PROPERTY meaning they can do with it what they choose. Although you all may not like the situation they own the property and not you. The place isnt going to close because a few of you may choose not to eat there. Get over yourselves.....next story.....

  24. 806.......real educated.....NOT you sound like a typical local....ignorant and silly...

  25. Thanks for the update Joe :-) As for Old Mill - they screwed up and made this a big issue, when they could have just apologized for towing her car. Bottom line is they just don't really care. Their business is dropping - I know at least a 100 people that have not gone there because of this - who wants to support a business like this. Red Roost is farther for most, but well worth the extra drive - they are a nice, family run company who is one of us.

  26. "Anonymous said...
    I am not ever going back to Ole Mill. The last time I went, I got sick because the fried chicken was so saturated with oil. It was sickening - and I paid a tremendous price for it. We won't ever be visiting the establishment again.

    July 17, 2014 at 6:02 PM"

    You too 6:02? I don't know anyone who likes the Old Mill. Everyone I know calls it "The Old Mill Diarrhea House."

  27. Hey Who was the towing company? Most of the crooked tow truck drivers....have changed their way of "gettin paid" They are now partnering up with the lot owners and charging 250.00 bucks a pop to "impound your car".....and giving the lot owners $100.00.....and they keep $150.00 ....Easy Money!!!!! Since the City, State and County have put set fee's on those crooks and what they are allowed to charge on accident calls.....They have just changed tactics .......Just start looking around in parking lots that you park in.....see what you see......

  28. Yes 7:28.
    The last time I went there every other crab smelled strongly of ammonia... They were rotten or dead cooked. I through half of the crabs on the table away. When we asked for more a manager came to the table and asked why we were throwing them in the can, I pulled one out and asked her to smell it then asked if she would eat it. She said she didn't see anything wrong with them... I told her to eat it and said I want to watch you... she through it in the can, walked away and came back with a check for the drinks, hush puppies and 2 ears of corn.
    I still had the hershey squirts later that night.
    NO to Old Mill. Embarrassing as a neighbors daughter was a server there.


  29. Hey Old Mill Owners & Employees:

    Hear that.... slurrppp!! That's the sound of the Red Roost sucking your Business away!!! Better turn into a BBQ Pit before they lose everything!!!!

  30. I saw the little 12" sign when I was there a month ago. I've heard you need to have a 30" sign highly visible like the have in OC and VB. I was a victim one time in VB where the sign was on a dumpster enclosure hard to see and my car was towed. I paid $140 to get my car back and didn't fight it. The Owner of the Old Mill should change his policy or at least get bigger signs.

  31. Locals in the know go to Lintons In Cristfield, I probably should not have said that. The place was kind of hidden treasure.

  32. Get over yourself and move to the next story 7:04 because it is quite clear that you are clueless on the subject.
    I'll put it to you as simply as possible. No kidding a restaurant is owned privately. That part isn't rocket science and is easily understood even by the uniformed like you.
    When a business opens it's doors to the public it is inviting them in so this changes the dynamics of being private as compared to a person's residence and parking.
    When a sign states "No Overnight Parking" the customer/patron consents to the rules, whether they see the sign or not (though it must be in a spot where it is likely most patrons will see it). Some states/counties/municipalities (Ocean City for example) even require approved signs stating a vehicle is subject to towing of found in violation of posted rules. Not sure in Delmar or DE.
    Regardless though, business can not break their own rules. This lady needs to file a civil suit for expenses. She will prevail. If OM reps don't show she automatically "wins" (in MD called an affidavit judgment.) If they do show, the judge is going to find in favor of the plaintiff, no doubt after reading OM the riot act for not following their posted rules and for wasting the courts time and not paying the lady prior to court action.
    She doesn't need a lawyer to file the suit. In MD the necessary papers are online and there is a small fee.
    First thing she should do is to send OM a registered letter saying she would like her expenses reimbursed along with copies of any receipts along with a time limit and words such as if I don't hear back I will have no other option but to file a suit.
    Make copies and include this with the forms if you do have to file. The courts like to see you tried to settle the matter and only used the court as a last resort.

  33. "The place isnt going to close because a few of you may choose not to eat there. Get over yourselves.....next story....."

    Looks like the owners/management of the Mill decided to make an appearance in the comments section. Keep denying the impact of word of mouth in a small community, until business slowly grinds to a halt and keeping your business in the black becomes impossible.

  34. il never eat there again bad business

  35. Wonderful comments here by the owners/ employees of an indefensible business! The reason the crabs are rotting is because there are no customers to eat them and they are put up for the next day's reheat. DUH. Do that 3 times, and you drive more customers off.

    I'm heading out to my yearly visit to a crab house which I've had to shelf since '08 when I got laid off, and back then, the Old Mill was my place to go because it was close. The last couple years of going there, though, I noticed we got in without a wait. We ALWAYS had to wait in line outside before.

    This year, it's going to be the Red Roost.

    It's more fun there, anyway, with the banjo band. Do they still have that? And I like that it's in an old chicken house!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Yeah. Let's argue about towing policies in hickville while there are international catastrophes that impact global markets like 295 people in a jet getting shot down over the Ukraine.

    July 17, 2014 at 10:31 PM

    Life doesn't stop because you think something that happens outside 'hickville.' To many of us in ole hickville our families and quality of life comes first. You must be one miserable liberal.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Locals in the know go to Lintons In Cristfield, I probably should not have said that. The place was kind of hidden treasure.

    July 18, 2014 at 12:18 PM

    I love how these employees or owners of other businesses post on here like they are satisfied customers. Trying to get a free plug. LMAO

  38. The Red Roost must have a better crab supplier because their is a world of difference in quality. I'll drive the scenic drive to Whitehaven from now on... Better service too !

  39. Who was the judge? I'd like to know which member of the bench actually showed some common sense!

  40. Oh well I'll guess I'll spend my money at the roost...And maybe Boonies if the bar was open later then 8 O'clock.

  41. "Anonymous said...
    "The place isnt going to close because a few of you may choose not to eat there. Get over yourselves.....next story....."

    Maybe, maybe not but in the meantime they behaved in a most despicable spiteful manner. This dose of public humiliation is well deserved and they have to suck it up. You act like a jerk and it's going to get thrown back at you two fold. Something they better not ever forget. But they will because they aren't the brightest of people and they have anger issues which is a character flaw that they need to address. A normal prudent business owner would never have let this get this far. They failed miserable in OC and it's no wonder.

    "The Old Mill Diarrhea House"--LOL.

  42. I'm pretty sure you could leave your car at The Red Roost as long as needed. Plus it's the Original

  43. Red Roost does not accept LORA coupons any longer. Loved the food but they need to let people know in advance. Told lady to take them to court large party and they refused gift card with Roost named as one that would accept them. ??

    Ole Mill is reheating crabs and that is a no no. That is why they are so soggy and smell the way they do.

  44. The people at the Old Mill just don't know how to run a restaurant.

  45. Crab Alley in West Ocean City has really good crabs and the people are great.

  46. What is a LORA card? Some new type of public assistance for cooked food or something the county exec/board of Ed gives out?

  47. The owners of this establishment have now proven that stupid cannot be fixed. To all decent law abiding citizens: BOYCOTT THESE IDIOTS!!!!

  48. What's concerning is the spiteful attitude. Instead of being gracious and apologetic to a wronged customer they showed spite. Not good and especially not good when food is the product. I would not trust these people because of the atmosphere of spite they have created and promote.
    I've heard stories of restaurant employees sabotaging the food when a customer has a complaint or is difficult and I would not trust this place to not do that.

  49. Anonymous said...
    What is a LORA card? Some new type of public assistance for cooked food or something the county exec/board of Ed gives out?

    July 20, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    Local owner restaurant association. You buy the card/coupon book that offers discounts to local area businesses. Try researching before commenting next time so you don't look like such a jackass.

  50. I stopped going to the Old Mill when they gave me a hard time about bringing somebody in a wheelchair.

  51. I believe it is pretty evident that this once nice place to eat will be out of business before the end of the year. It is so sad to see a business change ownership then take a nose dive. I used to love going to the Old Mill back when when it was owned by good people. When a business turns on it's locals, they do not stay in business very long, especially in a small town like Delmar. Perhaps the Red Roost in Whitehaven will benefit from all of this.


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