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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Last Nights FOX News Interview with Pat Buchanan - Eastern Shore of Maryland Secession Movement

Last night Sean Hannity interviewed Pat Buchanan about America's Balkanization.  During the interview It was mentioned that Marylanders are 'fed-up with the legislation that is emanating out of Annapolis' and that a secession movement is already underway.

Many eastern shore residences are tired of being manipulated and pillaged out of their property, money, and low paying wages.  Housing foreclosures are the 2nd highest in the nation and the areas workforce numbers are abysmal.  Flush taxes have doubled, and now we even have a rain tax.  New Phosphorous regulations are underway and eastern shore residents are being squeezed as Wicomico's residents incomes decline.

SBYnews broke this story months ago and has been covering the inequities that currently exist between our western shore counterparts.  Currently- our eastern shore State Delegation only comprises 9 representatives up against 179 western shore counterparts.  Yet the eastern shore land area consist of more than 1/3 of the total Maryland land area.

This is a must see video news broadcast for every red blooded American eastern shore man.

Click Onto the Video link to see last night's FOX News Broadcast:

Article Published By SBYnews Editorial Staff


  1. At least try to have a serious conversation. Secession?? Not so much, just a fantasy for a few fanatics.

  2. Wit till King Obama hears about this Cracker moveJuly 18, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    OMG you have to be joking....What are all the People in Baltimore and surrounding areas on Section 8 going to do w/o your taxes to give them a free ride....

  3. I agree. From a geographical perspective Maryland and Virginia Eastern Shore should join up with Delaware. At least in Delaware I could legally own the 1898 gun my grandfather left me in 1954. And I haven't shot at anybody since Nam.

  4. "Many eastern shore residences are tired of being manipulated and pillaged out of their property, money, and low paying wages."

    Have you ever heard of the Maryland Land Conservancy?

    Well there is a guy who works for them and they want your property. A guy named Josh Hastings is running for the Wicomico County Council and he is telling everyone that he is a Moderate. If you are a Republican or a conservative Democrat do not listen to these lies. This person is aligned with the worst of the worst Democrats. One he worked for was State Senator Joan Conway and she is one of the worst Democrats in the General Assembly. She supports gun control, land confiscation and same sex marriage. How can someone work for this woman if you don't have the same views as she does?? Laura Mitchell is also aligned with these same people and we already know her views. If you don't want the government taking your guns, property and taxes then you need to vote conservative and vote for Republican.

    Vote Republican

    Wicomico County Executive
    Bob Culver

    Wicomico County Council
    John Cannon
    Matt Holloway
    Marc Kilmer
    Larry Dodd
    Joe Holloway

    Wicomico County Circuit Court Judge
    MJ Caldwell

  5. Reps are based on population not land mass. Civics 101

  6. Never will happen.oc generates way to much revenue for them to let go

  7. Anonymous said...
    Reps are based on population not land mass. Civics 101

    July 18, 2014 at 1:23 PM

    And your point is...

  8. This needs to happen. The delmarva peninsula is a region to itself. As a life long resident, my identity has never been with the state of Maryland but with Delmarva. Most Virginians don't even know the eastern shore of Virginia exists! In land area, we would be comparable to the land size of New Jersey. I think Western Maryland should also do the same. We have been the Bastard stepchildren for too many years!

  9. I say let the eastern shore join up with us here in Delaware. OC can be a proxy state the west.

  10. Eastern Shore is an old old story, it is Garrett County that recently made the news,

  11. And your point is...

    July 18, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    The point is that the eastern shore of MD is very small population wise compared to the rest of the state. We are all marsh land and farm, so we don't get as many representatives.

    Civics 101

  12. 1:20
    I am a republican and I have heard of the land conservancy. While I would never put my properties into the conservancy, I have no problem with people that choose to do so. It is a voluntary program and people have the right to decide what they want to do or not do with their property. Voting republican on a local basis is a good thing but in MD it is doubtful that there will ever be a republican governor. Look at the results of MD elections over the past 40+ years.

  13. Land area? Are you a moron? The things is, everyone in Maryland agrees with this. If you guys hauled off an had your own state we would all be better off. I am sure you would all die out from gun accidents and diabetes in less than a decade.

  14. To 1:23 Posting that said;
    Reps are based on population not land mass. Civics 101

    That's the whole point of this article. When we secede that will be fixed. We'll still be a part of the US - only difference is we will pick up (2) Senators. The Legislative representation of our new State will be entirely different from what it is now.

    I'm all for it!!

  15. We should have seceded along time ago. The western shore bureaucrats have literally ruined our lifestyles here on the eastern shore. My father informed me a long time ago that we were just (1) measly vote short of making it happen back in the 60s. And then the western shore representatives tried to make sure the move never happened again. What a shame for us eastern shore folks.

  16. Joe - what a great video. I hope you leave this up so that everyone has an opportunity to see this.

  17. It's Funny - when I saw it on Sean Hannity's show last night I was thinking about seeing this on Salisbury News before. I am so glad that the national media is now covering this. I hope we do succeed. I am tired of being dominated by an overbearing and uncontrollable state legislature. It's high time that we split.

  18. Scott said...
    This needs to happen. The delmarva peninsula is a region to itself. As a life long resident, my identity has never been with the state of Maryland but with Delmarva. Most Virginians don't even know the eastern shore of Virginia exists! In land area, we would be comparable to the land size of New Jersey. I think Western Maryland should also do the same. We have been the Bastard stepchildren for too many years!

    July 18, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    I couldn't agree more. Most Virginians have know clue where the Eastern Shore of Virginia is. They have no clue that it is part of their own state.

    Marylanders know where the Eastern Shore of Maryland is because they flock to Ocean City. They are also familiar with Salisbury's out of control Mayor and City Council and crime rate.

    Delaware.. Well that's Delaware.

  19. Anonymous said...
    And your point is...

    July 18, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    The point is that the eastern shore of MD is very small population wise compared to the rest of the state. We are all marsh land and farm, so we don't get as many representatives.

    Civics 101

    July 18, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    And what does this have to do with secession?

  20. Joe - SBYNEWS is so poignant! I am so glad that you have covered this event and so many others. If only people truly knew just how valuable an asset you are to the community. THANKS!

  21. Anonymous said...
    I am a republican and I have heard of the land conservancy. While I would never put my properties into the conservancy, I have no problem with people that choose to do so. It is a voluntary program and people have the right to decide what they want to do or not do with their property. Voting republican on a local basis is a good thing but in MD it is doubtful that there will ever be a republican governor. Look at the results of MD elections over the past 40+ years.

    July 18, 2014 at 2:55 PM

    A clueless and spineless RINO.

  22. Anonymous said...
    It's Funny - when I saw it on Sean Hannity's show last night I was thinking about seeing this on Salisbury News before. I am so glad that the national media is now covering this. I hope we do succeed. I am tired of being dominated by an overbearing and uncontrollable state legislature. It's high time that we split.

    July 18, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    What is sad is that we lost our biggest supporter of secession in the primaries to a old dip sh!t who turned on her friend and ran against him for his seat. RINO's are cut throats so watch out for them. She will never do the job that our state senator did. He will surely be missed.

  23. 4:34

    Sorry but you are way off. This is america and people have the right to decide what to do with their property and assets. Before you label people, you should look in the mirror. I own properties in multiple counties in MD but am a technically a resident of FL. Florida is a republican state with no personal income tax and you are a republican stuck in a democratic state with high taxes, no future and another democrat governor in the fall.
    Look at your history:
    Number of Governors of Maryland by party affiliation[1]
    Party Governors
    Democratic 29
    Federalist 9
    Democratic-Republican 9
    Republican 6

    LOL! You must be a born here!

  24. To 4:34 Poster who said that he doesn't have a problem with a person putting their land into the conservancy.

    Responding: But what about the next generation, or the next, or the next. I do not know if you are aware, but the life cycle is in perpetuity, or forever. I know, it sounds like this couldn't happen here in America, but it has happened. Our Government is now doing the same shenanigans that we accused the Soviet Union of doing. I know it sounds crazy, but the USA should now be referred to as the USSA.

  25. I wish our Lower Shore Counties could secede. It seems as though the only thing that our Governor succeeds at is more and more taxes. Who would have ever thought that we would have a flush tax. Or how about a rain tax. We've got them both and now another is on the horizon.

  26. I hope O'Malley runs for President. When the media starts to unveil some of O'Malley's brainy ideas he'll become the laughing stock of the nation. To 6:23 Posting, how about our tag renewals? I can vividly remember them to be $30 per year just a few years ago. Now look at them, $180.00.

  27. 6:20
    What if you don't have any children or heirs? Hmmm, could leave the land to the homeless, LBGT community or a hispanic support group. Could be a property near your home. What's your preference?

  28. I just got through watching the video and I agree with Mr. Buchanan we are already balkanized.

  29. The water boundaries seem to be perfect for a new state. Has anyone taken a look at how it perfectly defines a new state?

  30. I am all for a succession. What do we do next.

  31. In order to succeed I believe a public referendum would have be held in each County and Local jurisdictions (City, Township). Then, we would have to petition the US Congress to approve the newly formed jurisdiction.

  32. There are so many issues that plague the eastern shore that it would take a lifetime to explain the declaration. But it is a very interesting concept.

  33. Does anyone really think that Annapolis would let the eastern shore cut its ties to MD and not pay taxes to support the masses in Balto/PG county?

  34. Whoever mentioned the state delegation thing is not responding to the general secession idea (and guys, it's secession, not succession), and they're also right. The editorial staff is stupid for using this as a premise for "oh look at us, we're not represented when we're so much land" well duh, it's because more people are on the western shore.

    Also, it's perfect how the ideology of the elderly conservatives is to pick up their ball and storm off as sore losers when they can't get what they want, yet they proclaim to be the ones really advocating for democracy. Such short sightedness. Let's take this to its logical conclusion then: what happens when say the liberal parts of the shore (say, maybe, the are around SU and where the students live) wants out of your state? Do they automatically get to vote and then get 2 state senators of their own? How are you going to pay for SU and keep it up? What about OC, or parts of Kent Island that are bedroom communities for those in Annapolis? Do they get to leave too? You guys don't realize that what you're advocating for is actually MORE balkanization, which Patty Boy seems to be afraid of.

  35. 7:44 - Yet another reason to secede. I am all for it. But where would our States new capital be, Easton, Salisbury, Cambridge? If it were Salisbury then our downtown economic development problem would be solved.

  36. I have lived here all of my life and it has been the same ole same ole. The bottom line is that our eastern shore representation does NO GOOD! Even when they are in a cohesive mindset, it doesn't do any good because our region is always outnumbered. The western shore counties and cities get all of the luscious grants, ball parks, stadiums, while we get the chicken manure and criminals. I am all for a secession move, so let's move.

  37. The western shore alliances see to it that they get the lions share of the revenues. Case-in-point look at the highway users money. It all went to the metro rail.

  38. Rick Tomlinson said...
    Land area? Are you a moron? The things is, everyone in Maryland agrees with this. If you guys hauled off an had your own state we would all be better off. I am sure you would all die out from gun accidents and diabetes in less than a decade.

    July 18, 2014 at 3:08 PM

    You are a racist!

  39. Anonymous said...

    Sorry but you are way off. This is america and people have the right to decide what to do with their property and assets. Before you label people, you should look in the mirror. I own properties in multiple counties in MD but am a technically a resident of FL. Florida is a republican state with no personal income tax and you are a republican stuck in a democratic state with high taxes, no future and another democrat governor in the fall.
    Look at your history:
    Number of Governors of Maryland by party affiliation[1]
    Party Governors
    Democratic 29
    Federalist 9
    Democratic-Republican 9
    Republican 6

    LOL! You must be a born here!

    July 18, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    What you are saying is because this is a Democrat state you just give up and vote for the Democrat anyway. You are an idiot, why don't you just switch parties and move to Rehoboth Beach with Jim Ireton.

  40. Anonymous said...
    To 4:34 Poster who said that he doesn't have a problem with a person putting their land into the conservancy.

    Responding: But what about the next generation, or the next, or the next. I do not know if you are aware, but the life cycle is in perpetuity, or forever. I know, it sounds like this couldn't happen here in America, but it has happened. Our Government is now doing the same shenanigans that we accused the Soviet Union of doing. I know it sounds crazy, but the USA should now be referred to as the USSA.

    July 18, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    I agree with you and you are on the same page I am on. If these lands are given up to land conservancies and Program Open Space then our kids and grand kids will be forced to live in high density areas which will ultimately be ghettos. Anyone who supports liberal/progressive programs do not have a brain and should be disqualified from voting.

  41. Pat Buchanan speaks the truth. I can't ever recall our country being so divided as it is now.

  42. They should take the 4 liberal Maryland counties and roll them in with DC and make a 51st state. The rest of us can stay as Maryland.

  43. 8:34
    What I am saying is that I made FL my domicile and enjoy the benefits of no state tax, ability to have a CCW, stand your ground law and able to use cellphone while driving without being pulled over by the police and searched. You must be on the side of Ireton and the likes if you continue to stay in MD. My vote counts in FL and yours is worthless in MD. It is now a democratic state and will continue to be. The eastern shore has no say in MD politics. Whine and complain all you want. If you read my post , you would understand that I would not put my properties into the conservatory, but this being america and all of the citizens having the right and option to do so, I have no problem with those that choose to do so. There are some people that may not have children or heirs and do not want their property developed. It would seem that development of rural property might be the only source of economic prosperity left on the eastern shore since there is no hope of attracting businesses to the area. I saw the writing on the wall many years ago and left for greener pastures. If you have half a brain, you would do the same.

  44. This is to be expected We are the only Republican district in Maryland.

  45. I pray I get a few days to evacuate your cRabpublican shorebilly utopia.

  46. I want to than SBYNEWS for covering these events. I have not seen one IOTA about this in any of the other medias including WBOC, WMDT, WICO, The Daily Times, or the Coast Dispatch.

  47. I think this movement is starting to finally resonate with our eastern shore. I have to say it is about time. What's next.

  48. Mr. Buchanan is right, the legislators in Annapolis aren't anything like us here on the eastern shore. This is a good video.

  49. Please explain to me why eastern shore people vote for liberals like Norm Conway who vote to fund planned parenthood and give needs to junkies using taxpayers money?

  50. Pat Buchanan is so on-point. I voted for him the last time he ran for President. What a shame he did not make it. Great video.

  51. I noticed that Norm Conway is putting up 4'x8' signs everywhere today. He is not putting them up as I don't think he is fit enough to dig the holes nor to mount he signs.

    But I was thinking when I saw his signs going up about how utterly useless he is when you look at he grand scheme of things. What a tragedy for the eastern shore.

  52. I am in agreement, all of the eastern shore elected state representatives are effectively useless representatives because the representative government structure is a flawed system. Not only are they ineffective in their annual dealings in Annapolis but it is also a manifest waste of taxpayers money.

    What might we call our newly formed state.

  53. We(eastern shore)have lost a lot of ground. No doubt about it we are being discriminated against by the highest officials.

  54. They Maryland officials will never allow the eastern shore to separate because they are afraid the 2- US senators might be republicans.

  55. Video says it all. It is about time the media started covering this.

  56. Enquiring minds want to know - I wonder how long it is going to take the County officials to respond to this new battle cry. Virtually everyone is aware of the structural and economic imbalances. Our new state could not be any worse off financially than it is right now as the state is consuming virtually all disposable income.

  57. I believe this article has really struck a cord upon scanning the comments. Interesting!

  58. Responding to 11:33 Reader that said - I believe this article has really struck a cord . . .

    Comment: I agree, sooner or latter this movement is going to catch fire and then Maryland will have a real ruckus on its hands.

  59. Keep you eyes on Scotland. If Scotland breaks away from England, it could set the stage for some US secessions. Scotland is similar to US states.

  60. I believe Worcester, Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico, and Queen Anne's would join-in in favor or secession. As for Somerset and Caroline I can't say as I don't know enough about them.

  61. To 12:10 Posting - Scotland Independence Vote. The public will be voting on September 18th. Stay tuned as it could very well happen.

  62. 7:54 PM sounds just like Chuck Cook and the other Social Democrats.

  63. Norman Conway is running scared. Carl Anderton has him running scared and that is funny. Carl is quite the cocky one, but it's funny watching Norman run around putting out his signs without permission. He and Sarbanes seem to be doing the same thing.

    1. Cocky or confident, He is taking on the entire democrat leadership all by himself. Keep on em Carl!!

  64. I wish it would happen here in Wicomico. It can't be soon enough.

  65. Why dont we secede and then NOT join the Union?

  66. What is depressing is that the local media isn't covering what has happened to us on the eastern shore. Other than SBYNEWS, none of them are covering any of the land grabs, higher taxes, environmental impositions, loss of jobs, etc. What is wrong with all of them. Why do they(MSM) continue to give the current administration a free pass. I simply do not understand.

  67. To 5:06 Poster, I do not understand it either. However, the bright spot is that it was picked up on the national radar - Fox. It won't take to many of those shows before the flames spread. Wait and see, it may be the awakening of a sleeping giant.

  68. "I pray I get a few days to evacuate your cRabpublican shorebilly utopia."

    You waiting for an invitation? You can carry your illiterate a$$ out of here any time you like. I doubt the shore will be any worse off for your absence.

  69. Who would want to live in a new Mississippi? If that is what you want why not just move there?
    I agree, give me notice so I can clear out.

  70. Fruitland Generic CitizenJuly 21, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why dont we secede and then NOT join the Union?

    July 20, 2014 at 4:38 PM"

    If you don't love America, you're welcome to LEAVE. I'm sure a bunch of us will help you pack. And the rest of us will stay in the greatest nation on Earth.

  71. Fruitland Generic Citizen, You must be a Liberal and nuts to boot.

    Perhaps back in the 1950's and 1960's America was the greatest nation on earth. Today, it's the laughing stock of the entire World.

    We are constantly invading into the rest of the worlds business and constantly at war, WHY, because the criminals in politics are making BILLIONS off of it and bringing ALL of us down financially because of their greed.

    You Liberal Fools just keep following your leaders while there are MILLIONS of us looking to find FREEDOM elsewhere.

    The ideas created by our founding fathers have been completely destroyed. Elections are rigged and leaders are chosen, not elected. Yeah, Obama got elected a second time, RIGHT!

    They say there are three kind of people. Leaders, doers and followers. MOST of Americans are FOLLOWERS and I say that with ALL due respect.

    Leaders create businesses and direct people. Doers show up for work every day and that's about as far as their life goes. Followers are the welfare, food stamp and politicians who suck at the public teat. They are the used car salesmen of this Country. They have NO CLUE what's under the hood. They have NO CLUE how hard it's been ridden yet they want top dollar because your life/credit is not perfect and you cannot afford a new car.

    If only more Americans had more confidence. If only Americans would wake up and stop being doers and followers.

    You see, I stepped up to the plate two ways. I created this Website to be a voice for most of you. I ran for Mayor because MOST of you didn't have the confidence, time, business experience or backbone to do what is BEST for America/Salisbury. Instead, the FOLLOWERS and DOERS allegedly voter for a person with NO proven experience, (like Obama too) and NO proven track record, even though he had been in Office for four years. Or is it just easier to rig an election?

    Either way, the Sheeple go out of their way and take the time to VOTE only to wake up the next morning and find out that even though almost everyone you know voted for the guy who allegedly lost and yet it's almost impossible to prove.

    Yeah, AMERICA isn't what it used to be, not at all. Liberals create Common Core to DUMB DOWN the most expensive INDUSTRY in America and the funniest part is, COLLEGE will become FOUR more years of education just to get our children and grandchildren to a 12th grade level.

    AMERICA is a joke Mr. Fruitland and people like you are simply FOLLOWERS/DOERS who praise CHEATERS, Used Car Salesmen.

    When things get REALLY sh!tty, the Liberals will step aside for a while, the Republicans will step in HOPING they can fix all that is broken only to learn AMERICA is now too far gone because the FOLLOWERS and DOERS STOPPED VOTING.

    Yeah, like millions of other Americans, I'm looking for another place to call home because this place SUCKS and the people couldn't care less. I'll go to a place where Americans are welcomed, not taxed and punished to death. Obama and Hillary can have this America. I want nothing more to do with it.

    Oh, so you know, Obama has created laws that will PUNISH any American who leaves this Country by TAXING the money you already paid FULL taxes on. So we have to BUY our way out of America too.


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