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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Live Incident On Beaglin Park Drive

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and several Officers are presently at Schumaker Pond and Beaglin Park Rd along with a Helicopter looking into the pond. We're not sure what is going on but there are a lot of Officers and Detectives on the scene. 


  1. I was by there 20 minutes ago and heard the cops on the loud speaker telling someone to come out now with your hands up. Noone is coming out.

  2. Looking for guy with knife. Dressed in all white

  3. All that for a guy with a knife? Out here where I live a dude in all black came out the woods and tried to snatch someone's kid and they sent one cop.

  4. It would be nice if someone from SPD or WCSO got on twitter and at least told people what was going on. We dont' need all the details but if the public is in danger or they should stay inside or be looking for someone they should let people know.
    The Howard County police did a tremendous job keeping people informed when they had the shooting at the mall. I guess we can't expect the same professionalism from the leaders around here.

  5. They are probably making all this commotion for nothing. Salisbury PD always hypes things up because its such a small town

  6. didn,t know we had leaders in Wicomico county

  7. SPD just wants to shoot their guns!

  8. The good thing is the trash they have been shooting at they've hit and disposed of like the trash they were. Good job officers.

  9. Rib it, rib it, what the heck did I do

  10. Why are people so ignorant in their comments on here?

  11. he's been found. he was also listed as a missing person.


  12. Night fishing maybe?


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