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Monday, July 14, 2014

Can You Find Brooke Mulford?

Over the last 5 1/2 years that Brooke has been battling cancer she has received thousands of cards from all over the US and I have saved every single one! I wanted Brooke to be able to go back through them someday and see how truly loved she is and how thousands of people all over the world were and are praying for her every day. With us getting ready to move and downsizing there is just no way for me to keep them all anymore so we have been going through them and reading them again and it has brought us so much joy. We decided to make a massive pile of them in the living room and have Brooke in the middle of them all covered in love. So if you have ever sent Brooke a card or your child drew her a picture - I assure you it is in that pile somewhere and it is so loved and appreciated. God bless all of you for being a part of Brooke's journey and for sending sunshine her way through the years. xoxo, Amy & Brooke PS can you find Brooke in pictures?


  1. It's truly remarkable when a child touches the heart of so many people. But if I could turn the focus for one moment to the mother of this child. I cannot imagine the hours researching, on hold with doctors offices, long distance driving, co-insurance fees, and hours of comforting this mother must have gone through. I don't know you, Brooke's mom, but I sure wish every mother could have an ounce of what you hold in your heart.

  2. Amy, I don't know you either, but I think I might have a card or 2 in that pile...I totally agree with 7:53 you sure are a SUPER MOM. I pray for your continued strength and faith.

  3. Brooke is always in my daily prayers. What else do you expect from Super Brooke? Nothing less than a Super Mom!!! :)


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