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Monday, July 14, 2014

These States Are Rebelling Against Barack H. Obama

Numerous states have grown tired of the terrible overreach by the massive leviathan that is the federal government. States are beginning to fight back by reclaiming their sovereignty and state’s rights under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution.

The states are fighting back on multiple fronts by nullifying federal laws within their borders, including gun control, Obamacare, and NSA spying.

Several states have also submitted applications calling for a Convention of States for the purpose of proposing new amendments to the Constitution, designed to reign in the federal government and return it to it’s original boundaries.



  1. These would be states I would consider moving to...

  2. It makes no difference. Obama doesn't recognize the Constitution.


  3. Mixed feelings about this 'movement'.

    We've certainly passed enough laws about seemingly everything under the sun; how's that working out?

    In a Constitutional Convention there are no guarantees that existing language and protections remain if delegates vote changes that are ratified by enough states.

    Can be a two edged sword.


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