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Monday, July 14, 2014

WATCH: Shocking New Video Shows The People Of Chicago Are Waking Up

All you have to do is look at recent news reports to understand the city of Chicago is on fire. July may very well turn out to be one of the deadliest months on record for the city. Since Friday, 28 people were shot and at least three were killed.

Chicago has come to be known as President Obama’s adopted hometown, and the White House is beginning to be criticized by some of its most ardent supporters. Last week, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren the Obama Administration has prioritized the border crisis over the crisis in Chicago.

“Getting support for those children and the humanitarian crisis is the moral and right thing to do. Resources are important,” Jackson said. “But there is also a crisis in Chicago. It’s not either, it’s both.”


  1. He's losing his popularity with the black community. The damage has been done.

  2. I feel sorry for these people but they need to wake up. They are nothing but votes to Obama and the rest of the democrats. Democrats could care less about them, never have and never will.
    Obama knows because he is black he will have the black vote and/or can influence who they vote for. It's the immigrants who the democrats now need to cater to and that is what they are doing.
    Democrats are no good.

  3. Black people put him in office only because he is black. His qualifications or lack thereof, meant nothing to them. Now they are getting what they deserve and I do not feel sorry for them at all.

  4. Amen 9:01. No sympathy here either. Elections have consequences and these lemmings deserve everything they get and then some.

  5. This is what they wanted. And this is what they got. Too bad, so sad.

  6. These people are the very fault of what's going on. They're now reaping the rewards of voting for a communist racist kenyan king. How's that hopey changey thingy doing now???


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