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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Americans Say Obamacare Is Hurting Families

The American people hate Obamacare and recognize the lasting damage it is inflicting, according to a new national poll.

Americans seem to recognize that the Obamacare law will boot people out of their health care plans, encourage idleness, drive wages down, increase the government’s tax take, and fail to put a dent in the number of Americans without health insurance coverage.

“Obamacare is helping some people; mostly Americans with preexisting conditions and those who are eligible for very generous subsidies,” Townhall’s Guy Benson observes. “But it’s hurting far more people. And a substantial majority oppose the law.”

Indeed, after but a wee taste of the deadly horrors of government-run health care, Americans now say by a 2-to-1 margin that it has hurt their families, according to a new CNN/ORC International poll.

When asked what impact the Obamacare law has had, 18 percent of respondents said their families were better off as a result of the law, compared to 35 percent who said Obamacare has made them worse off.

Americans continue to hate Obamacare overall, disapproving of the program by a dramatic margin of 59 percent to 40 percent.



  1. The cost of our family coverage went up 275% and the coverage has huge copays and deductibles that we didn't have before. Obamacare has wrecked my family finances.

  2. 1:38 You will never recover your losses. However, you may help reduce them even further by voting all democrats out in November.

  3. obama has destroyed the US economy and free enterprise. every one is either rich or very poor. the POS president has destroyed the US.


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