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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Era Of Big Government ... Is Bankrupting You


“The center cannot hold.”

That’s an expression we’re fond of using as it relates to the American experiment … and when people realize it’s the truth, some things might actually start changing in this country. We might decide at that point it’s not such a good idea to continue incentivizing dependency amongst our non-working poor – or continued granting subsidies, bailouts or loan guarantees for multi-millionaire corporate executives.

Why not? Because the people picking up the tab for this largesse (a.k.a. the people in the middle) are going broke.

According to a new study funded by the Russell Sage Foundation, the rise of big government under “Republican” George W. Bush and Democrat Barack Obama has had a profoundly deleterious impact on American incomes.

(Thank your government-run schools if you need to visit Merriam-Webster for the definition of deleterious).

How deleterious?


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