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Sunday, July 13, 2014

SBYNEWS quoted in today's Daily Times

PUBLISHERS NOTES: First of all, I'm confident Mr. Mason stated this came from Salisbury News but the Daily Times more than likely asked him to change it to a "local blog". 

It's a shame Mr. Mason also went to the Daily Times rather than sending the same letter to Salisbury News, as I would have certainly published it. 

You see, there are MANY articles we publish on a daily basis I personally do not agree with, yet we feel it is important enough to spread the word.

Perhaps Mr. Mason AND The Daily Times should refer to THIS ARTICLE I also published the very same day. 

UPDATE: Mr. Mason said, "It fairly well explains the ignorance and hard line conservative male opposition". Mr. Mason, the article was actually published by a WOMAN. 

Joe Albero 

No surprise, and disrespectful to women and birth control

“If a woman’s chosen form of birth control is to keep her clothes on, should her employer be forced to buy her wardrobe?”

This appeared on a local conservative blog this week after the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby ruling.

It fairly well explains the ignorance and hard line conservative male opposition, evangelical, fundamentalist, or otherwise, that continues against birth control and women.

The continuing derision by some males of women is shameful.

It also points to the continued belief held by too many that the only respectable form of birth control for women, especially the unmarried, is abstinence, despite its huge failure rate since Adam and Eve.

This is a failure rate engineered by God himself.

He continues to this day to enjoy watching humankind being fruitful and multiplying.

And no, there is no evidence the God of Abram is a woman.

My reaction to the Hobby Lobby majority decision made by the five conservative Catholic men nominated by four conservative Protestant male presidents is negative.

But the decision was not unexpected. This decision and the recent decision by the same judges to permit prayer before legislative meetings are both big wins for evangelical Christians, especially for the majority Protestants, who have dominated American politics and public prayer since our country’s beginning and continue to dominate.

Instead of the favored Christian status of martyr, the owners of Hobby Lobby have for the moment obtained the status of conservative Protestant Christian heroes.

We know not for how long.

George T. Mason


  1. I am very conservative. I have no problem at all with birth control in any form. What I do have a problem with is asking me or anyone else to pay for yours. It's not like it's expensive and most can be had for less than the cost of two packs of cigarettes per month.

  2. Go choke on a chode you ignorant ass-clown. How about a little game called se how long you can stand in the middle of the road before getting struck down doornail-dead by a fully loaded Perdue's chickentruck.

  3. Mr. Mason is typical of the readers of the Daily Times -- a know-it-all ignoramus.

  4. Oh so this is a christian thing? There are other religions that would stone her to death or just behead her. Guess you want her employer to pay for that too

  5. Is the Daily Times PAYING for using this BLOG in thier story? I think you have a LAWSUIT Joe.

  6. To John Robinson, is that all you do is wish DEATH to those people you disagree with on a daily basis? You really need to seek professional help.

  7. As a Christian I really wish the government would get out of the "legislation of morality business" altogether since their track record is lousy! Leave issues of morality up to the individual and God can deal with the choices as He chooses!

  8. “If a woman’s chosen form of birth control is to keep her clothes on, should her employer be forced to buy her wardrobe?”

    If you google the above statement, you will find it was not original to Salisbury News by the anonymous commenter. Many blogs have the statement plus YAHOO ASKS had it on their site with many people expressing their opinion in the comments.

  9. Does anyone really understand WTH George T. Mason is trying to say?

  10. I am a professional, so I could jus go see myself if I needed too. Go lick dog-ass, Joe.

  11. John Robinson you are a professional what? Speaking of ass lickers... LMAO

    Oh Johnny do you remember when that pistol accidently went off in you place of establishment. How professional.

  12. George T. Mason?

    Who is this assclown?

  13. Sounds like Robinson is into the liquor early on a Sunday.

  14. First of all Mason (and any other man) this in none of your business so butt out. But just as a typical liberal man, worried about sleeping with a woman and having their butts covered if she does get pregnant. Just as a typical liberal man think woman are slaves and to be used as they see fit and the liberal woman so weak fall right in lockstep, not having the backbone to stand up to a man and say "hey, if you are going to play you must show me you are personally responsible to pay."
    Mason and the rest of the complainers were failed miserable by their parents. Decent parents teach every single action has consequences and responsible people solve them on their own without looking for handouts. what a loser and any self respecting competent self sufficient woman would be nuts to hook up with someone who shuns their responsibility like this Mason loser, looking to shirk responsibility at each and every turn. How nauseating and if he has daughters they need to hang their heads in shame-such a loser for a parent.

  15. Anonymous John Robinson said...
    I am a professional, so I could jus go see myself if I needed too. Go lick dog-ass, Joe.

    July 6, 2014 at 1:31 PM

    There are precious few professionals on this peninsula and you are not one of them.

  16. Does anyone know this Fruitcake? Does he hang out with Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings?

  17. He may be a retired school teacher from here in Wicomico County I had him in the 70's and he was a liberal nut then!

  18. As a regular on this blog; I see too many of you must have ADHD (can't seem to focus and stay on topic). Name calling never helps; as a matter of fact it makes you look small and ends up making no point.

    Bottom line; Mr. Mason is wrong on this issue. We, as citizens, should NEVER have to pay for anyone's birth control. It's cheap and it's a choice to have sex. The government needs to stay out of all health care (except what they have already ruined).

  19. Mason and all others who are crying foul over this decision are all that is wrong in not only this country but the world. Poor excuses for human beings and far more worse poor examples as parents.
    Anyone in the market for emergency contraception has clearly realized their mistake. Those who are responsible pay for their own mistakes and don't go looking for others to pay. This is not debatable. It's a fact.
    As far as the abortifacients Hobby Lobby is excluded from paying for is Bayer's Mirena IUD. No one of any good conscience could pay for this inferior product. It shouldn't even be on the market according to some. Many lawsuits are in the works claiming it's unreasonably dangerous and defective. The reason it was included as a "must" in insurance is because of Bayer's deep pockets and lobby and it can be manufactured inexpensively because it uses cheap components.
    Unfortunately the lower income woman are the ones who will suffer the results of this. Those in higher income levels will seek and pay for if necessary a better quality product will less complications connected to it.

  20. I disagree 3:30. It's too critical a point in time to be politically correct. Time to start calling a spade a spade. Public humiliation is the only hope. Take them and their families down to where they belong. Drag them through the gutter. Make examples out of them. Call them what they are.
    Far too long liberals have used us against ourselves by saying we must remain civil, etc, but nothing puts people in their places more than a dose of public humiliation.

  21. 1:00PM
    Is this the same Robinson of Robinson clocks & Jewelers?
    As a patron, I would like to know.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First of all Mason (and any other man) this in none of your business so butt out. But just as a typical liberal man, worried about sleeping with a woman and having their butts covered if she does get pregnant. Just as a typical liberal man think woman are slaves and to be used as they see fit and the liberal woman so weak fall right in lockstep, not having the backbone to stand up to a man and say "hey, if you are going to play you must show me you are personally responsible to pay."
    Mason and the rest of the complainers were failed miserable by their parents. Decent parents teach every single action has consequences and responsible people solve them on their own without looking for handouts. what a loser and any self respecting competent self sufficient woman would be nuts to hook up with someone who shuns their responsibility like this Mason loser, looking to shirk responsibility at each and every turn. How nauseating and if he has daughters they need to hang their heads in shame-such a loser for a parent.

    July 6, 2014 at 2:59 PM

    This is exactly what Chuck Cook thinks of his wife.

  23. Anonymous said...
    He may be a retired school teacher from here in Wicomico County I had him in the 70's and he was a liberal nut then!

    July 6, 2014 at 3:22 PM

    Josh Hastings brother and treasurer are both school teachers and liberal nuts. Must be something in the water.

  24. Anonymous said...
    I disagree 3:30. It's too critical a point in time to be politically correct. Time to start calling a spade a spade. Public humiliation is the only hope. Take them and their families down to where they belong. Drag them through the gutter. Make examples out of them. Call them what they are.
    Far too long liberals have used us against ourselves by saying we must remain civil, etc, but nothing puts people in their places more than a dose of public humiliation.

    July 6, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    I disagree also. 3:30 is nothing but a spineless weakling. Being politically correct is what is bringing down the Republican Party. Caving in to soft hearted liberals like 3:30 is killing America.

  25. Well, I think John Robinson wins for having no arguments, only name calling and no civility at all. However, some of you on my side of this argument are sliding into that name calling a little also. No one will ever be convinced to change their minds without reasonable arguments. Some will never change but do speak to those who might don't name call those who will never change.

  26. Jim said...
    Well, I think John Robinson wins for having no arguments, only name calling and no civility at all. However, some of you on my side of this argument are sliding into that name calling a little also. No one will ever be convinced to change their minds without reasonable arguments. Some will never change but do speak to those who might don't name call those who will never change.

    July 6, 2014 at 5:56 PM

    I need my butt wiped will you take care of that for me please.

  27. Agree with 5:46. Civil discourse and respectful disagreement are dead in this country. And it is due, in large part, to the 'progressive' wing of the democrat party. Frankly, these bastards want to confiscate my property, take away what rights I have left, and destroy my children's future. I have grown to despise these people. Why should I not?

  28. I disagree also. 3:30 is nothing but a spineless weakling. Being politically correct is what is bringing down the Republican Party. Caving in to soft hearted liberals like 3:30 is killing America.

    July 6, 2014 at 5:46 PM

    How would you know he, or anyone else is a spineless weakling, especially from a comment on a blog? Generalize much?

  29. Abstinence has a zero percent failure rate. Failing to abstain, however, rolls the dice.

  30. But you guys are just fine with covering Viagra. Bunch of hypocrits.

  31. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 7, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    To 1:31 John Robinson. I don't know what kind of 'professional' you suppose to be. Readers beware - the jewelry in his stores is way over priced and poor quality. You can find better deals elsewhere, like I did.
    As far as Mr. Mason's statement, wow, whoever came up with this load of crap must have very cloudy judgement. Boaming "coservwtive male" for article published by a woman? Briliant! Calling someone 'Christian Martyrs' for standing firm and believing in principle of common sense? Briliant! Demanding the Federal Government to Force Family Business or Any Business or Establishment to Pay for Birth Control Pills for their employees? Whats next? What about Condoms? Should I buy One for you Mr. Mason? It seems as you need to put One over your head.

  32. Not true 8:31. Viagra is not required to be covered by insurance companies under obamacare as were the 4 types of woman's reproductive heath drugs requirement. There are 1000's of plans and some cover Viagra and some don't.

  33. If Mr Mason were the compassion caring man that he wants everyone to think he is then he would be livid over the plans offered on the health exchanges.
    Not only are many life saving drugs not included in these plans but doctor and hospital choices are limited as well.
    Some who have been taken certain meds for years are now forced to either change or pay out of pocket.
    Some of these people went through trial and error to find a drug that worked for them without side effects.
    People like Mason are nauseating. They pick and choose to battle what fits their agendas.
    Mr Mason don't you dare every preach about Christian values, etc every again. You are the wolf in sheep clothing.


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