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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Muslim American Group Condemns Westminster Graffiti

WASHINGTON - A group that represents American Muslims is condemning the anti- immigrant graffiti found at a former Army Reserve base in Maryland.

The message "No illeagles (sic) here. No undocumented Democrats" was spray painted onto the side of a building at the Westminster base that was suggested to house some of the child immigrants detained along the U.S. southern border.

"Our country is a nation of immigrants," says Zainab Chaudry with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which aims to protect the civil rights of Muslims and to support the Muslim community. "We're relieved that authorities have opened a criminal investigation and are taking necessary steps to ensure that whoever is responsible for this disturbing incident is brought to justice."



  1. Too bad....move to Kenya with Obama

  2. who cares about what they think.

  3. The graffiti said "No undocumented Democrats". Not that I condone graffiti, but the important part is 'UNDOCUMENTED'. Get legal and come here like you want be an American, not a freeloader!

  4. Get rid of all foreigners. This county is swirling the drain rather quickly.

  5. Let's go to Saudi Arabia and open an Christian Church and see if they protest.

  6. "Our country is a nation of immigrants,"...
    It's high time for that to stop. In particular if they have nothing to bring to the table and expect this 'new country' of theirs to support them.
    Naaw.., it's time to change that 'country of imigrants' thing.


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