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Friday, July 11, 2014

7 Body Language Tricks To Make Anyone Instantly Like You

There's no question that body language is important.

And according to Leil Lowndes in her book "How To Talk To Anyone," you can capture — and hold — anyone's attention without saying a word.

We've selected the best body-language techniques from the book and shared them below.

The Flooding Smile

"Don't flash an immediate smile when you greet someone," says Lowndes. If you do, it appears as if anyone in your line of sight would receive that same smile.

Instead, pause and look at the other person's face for a second, and then let a "big, warm, responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes."

Even though the delay is less than a second, it will convince people your smile is sincere and personalized for them. According to Lowndes, a slower smile can add more richness and depth to how people perceive you.


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