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Friday, July 11, 2014

Parade in Germany


  1. Oh, we're not being laughed at...

  2. Those two floats hit the nail right on the head, don't they?

  3. Well, they have the USA pegged don't they?

  4. we're a joke, and the world see's it. why can't we ?

  5. Amazing what the rest of the world sees

  6. 8:27 - some of the citizens see it - the rest of the idiots are more inclined to vote and continue our downward spiral.....

  7. This is a sad world we live in. The next floats will show homo's doing it doggy. All of this including gun control shows how weak we are and an attack is a very good possibility. They know that criminals have guns, but they also know that criminals have limited ammo. With that said they also know that good Americans will be limited with ammo as well. Stand by America you did this to your self.

  8. 9:35 is correct. You gun hating liberals and Democrats who voted for Obama and keep voting for Democrats are going to cry when we are attacked and you lose everything. You people are just plain STUPID!!

    Homo Lovers... LMAO

  9. Very sad that we are becoming the laughing stock of the world.


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