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Friday, July 11, 2014

Top judge delivers profanity-filled blast at US Supreme Court

A top judge has told the U.S. Supreme Court to 'stfu' in a blog post.

Richard Kopf, the senior district judge in Nebraska delivered the profanity-filled blast to justices for taking what he sees as a too active role in controversial cases.

He said: 'Next term is the time for the Supreme Court to go quiescent–this term and several past terms have proven that the Court is now causing more harm (division) to our democracy than good by deciding hot button cases that the Court has the power to avoid.

'As the kids say, it is time for the Court to stfu.'

The acronym stfu is used for the phrase 'shut the f*** up'.

It is the latest in a series of blog-related controversies Judge Kopf has been involved in.

In March, he wrote a post titled 'On being a dirty old man and how young women lawyers dress' that recommended some female lawyers should dress more conservatively.

In October, Judge Kopf declared Congress should 'go to hell'.



  1. The court is, and should be, among the most sober places in society. Personal dress, especially of court officers and attorneys, should reflect that serious tone. Female attire should approximate the formality of male attire. Just as the male should not appear with three shirt buttons undone to expose gold chains and a hairy chest, neither should women appear with flashy necklaces and bare chests exposing or nearly exposing cleavage. These are distractions which are unsuited to courtroom demeanor.

  2. as a judge, you think this guy should be unbiased.


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