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Friday, June 27, 2014

Why Did The U.N. Just Place An Ad For A ‘Disarmament Officer,’ In NEW YORK??

Many of you have already heard about the United Nations small arms treaty which effectively makes civilian gun ownership in the nations that ratify it impossible. However what many people don’t realize is that last week the UN held a conference in New York City specifically for that treaty and how to get it adopted across the world, even in America.

On June 3, just before that conference, something very peculiar happened- a job listing was posted to the UN website for a Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, and the job is located in New York.

Some people would shrug this off as nothing more than coincidental and say that we shouldn’t worry. However Secretary of State John Kerry along with President Obama have both said that they want America to sign away our sovereignty by ratifying the treaty, while both have been pushing for massive gun control regulation that would eviscerate our Second Amendment rights. In fact, John Kerry has alreadysigned the treaty and once the Senate gets enough votes it will be ratified, by the Democrats of course.

There’s also been an increase in reports of people seeing UN vehicles on American soil. In fact, on June 14 of this year a man posted a video to YouTube showing a convoy of brand new vehicles that appear to be armored on the back of flatbed trailers, which you can watch below.



  1. Baaaaa! Baaaaa! I just told them.You have to speak sheeple!

  2. I'm curious about how they plan to TAKE the weapons from people like me and numerous friends.
    We ain't showing up at the local SS office to meekly turn over our guns (plural) because some "treaty" has been found to trump the Constitution.

    1. Hey look at That.....a new friend!

  3. I just watched a story from Alex Jones who was speaking of this very same story the UN will be in charge of door to door confiscation because they know our military will not turn on their own.

    1:27 lol you are right


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