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Friday, June 27, 2014

Oregon Celebrates Independence Day… With ‘No Refusal’ Blood Checkpoints

Police rename Fourth of July weekend "No Refusal Weekend"

During Independence Day weekend, a time to celebrate US freedom and unalienable rights, Americans in Oregon will be subjected to a “blitz” of ‘no-refusal’ blood-draw checkpoints, as part of a disturbing trend that now extends nationwide.

Local news station KVAL reports that State police are re-naming Fourth of July weekend “No Refusal Weekend”, as part of a crack down on drunk driving.

Any driver who is stopped by police and refuses to take an alcohol breath test will be subjected to a mandatory blood test either at the scene, at a medical facility, or at the nearest jail.



  1. And thou can refuse that. One can Not be forced to give incriminating evidence against themselves.

  2. Then you sit in jail while they pile on more charges like disorderly, fail to obey and anything else they can pull out of their handy blue book of charges!

  3. Seig Heil, you b**tches!
    The police now BELIEVE, wholeheartedly, that THEY tell you what "rights" you have and to hell with any other interpretation.
    Keep cheering. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of innocent (!) ---read that again--- will be stopped, questioned, searched, and harassed. Give the Geastapo any back talk and you'll get the "oh, he wants to play, huh?" treatment.
    Goodbye 4th Amendment.
    Welcome to the Third Reich.
    No refusal?? Doesn't that slogan tell you everything you need to know about who the masters and serfs really are??

  4. Who will draw blood at the scene of a non-accident traffic stop? EMTs and paramedics need to refuse - they're not cops.
    And I'll be damned if I would give permission to a cop to work under my license if I were a nurse or doctor.

  5. Well, they will have to build a heck of a lot more jails, then! 'Cause I'm hanging on to my 4th.


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