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Friday, June 27, 2014

Ben Carson: Move Health Care Into the Free Market

Retired pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson told Newsmax TV on Monday that individuals empowering themselves to make informed choices about their health care — and not surrendering that authority to the federal government — is how modern medicine will deliver the best outcomes at affordable rates.

In the first installment of an exclusive multi-part interview with "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner, author and rumored 2016 presidential candidate Carson called our health "the most important thing we have" and said Obamacare is not the way to ensure it — "not by any stretch of the imagination," he said.



  1. How does he propose people pay for it?

  2. 1:36-Free market not free. Free market is a system of economics where there is competition so the prices have to be competitive.

  3. 2:08 So you have to provide insurance with certain requirements. Can't sell a car without seat belts. Need to have certain standards to sell insurance. It is still free market for the insurance industry to sell insurance. It just has to meet the requirements.

  4. WE THE PEOPLE SPEAKJune 27, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    2:08....your BOY Obama has screwed up trying to get Government to take over the system like they do in Socialists Countries.....

  5. 2:26-No one's talking insurance but health care. The problem with you people (obviously products of public school so called "education') is that you are a bunch of dunces and basic skills like reading and comprehending escapes you.
    FYI-There is nothing free market about health care. Fees paid for services are dictated by the government and insurance companies. Try calling a cardiologist and getting a price on their professional fee or a price on a stress test. Transparency in pricing is fundamental in the free market system. It doesn't exist in health care.

  6. 4:16. Bet your more than glad to belly up to that trough that is Medicare.

  7. Okay, I may or may not be stupid here, and welcome the opinions.

    Health insurance in the private sector has to consider those who cannot afford to participate, granted. I have experienced the effects of having a great insurance policy in the form of over diagnosing. Go in with a cut finger, x-ray, MRI, pills and prescriptions, stitches, well you know what I mean,; overkill in the name of CYA "Hospital Policy"

    All these charges are there to pay or the indigents that come to get treated who don't have the
    employer" plan.n I agree with this system, even though sometimes I get "over diagnosed and tested".

    Doctor and Hospital charges are averaged in to cover the costs to keep everybody healthy and able to work, so, yes, it's kind of a universal pay for all who need it system, as my insurance charges equal up to the cost of doing business at the hospital.

    It's not pretty, but it gets things done, and everyone winds up treated, docs get paid, and so o the hospitals.

    Now, add in 10,000 Government bureaucrats to "operate and supervise" this.

    And your health care costs will go DOWN?

    I rest my case.


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