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Sunday, June 29, 2014

We've Finally Figured How Weed Use And Schizophrenia Are Linked

People with schizophrenia and some who use cannabis may have certain genes in common, according to new research.

The findings may partly explain the following, long-established link between cannabis use and psychotic disorders: The rate of people who smoke pot is higher among those who are diagnosed with schizophrenia than it is in the general population.

In addition, studies have shown that using cannabis can lead to psychotic episodes or worsen a person's existing symptoms, which suggests that the substance could trigger the psychotic disorder.



  1. Mirror,Mirror baby.

  2. The other articles on mental illness stamp it as opinion, not a disease, however as a victim of a 12 year marriage, I still cannot tell whether she feigned it to get the psychotic drugs, or really was M/D. I think the former, and she would do any drug with alcohol.

    Instead of trying to analyze, I chose to alienate and divorce. Glad the judge left me with the house and kids.

  3. Kids always need the mom in there life to some degree. My daughters will never have that chance again. Its hard but dont forget that.

  4. Correlation does not equal causation. Maybe schizophrenics have a higher rate of marijuana use because..... I don't know, they are SCHIZOPHRENICS?! Jeez people.

  5. What are the statistics on alcohol and schizophrenia?

  6. Hey! Look, a squirrel!

  7. No, hey, look, a TALKING squirrel! And he wants me to speak at a squirrel convention next week! Hillary will be there, too.

  8. People with Schizophrenia are hired by the NSA to clean toilets and take trash out.I tried to get a job there but I wasn't certified.

  9. They admit that Schizophrenia is hereditary. DONE, PERIOD, END OF STORY. How does Pot cause a disorder that is so clearly linked to genetics?

    Then they want to tie in smoking weed to the same gene? How is the desire to smoke pot genetic?

    There is a likely link that has not been discussed in this article and that is self-medicating. People who suffer and don't know why they suffer will try many things to make the suffering end. Some go as far as killing themselves. Does that make suicide genetic? No. However being in proximity to a suicide will increase your risk of committing suicide in the immediate weeks that follow. Would it also not be fair to say that if one of your firends smokes Pot and says how great it is, and you are suffering due to some unknown cause, wouldn't you try it? I bet you would.

  10. Joe,
    You are a hard man to pin down sometimes and I am trying to figure out if you are for or against marijuana. You post news about marijuana that is informative and interesting but then you post news about weed that has very questionable science behind it and is clearly meant to mislead less informed people. BTW -I am not trying to imply anything here. You give arguably objective coverage of this topic. Thanks.

    Would you like to comment on your position at all?


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