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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Maryland Without Old Bay? It's Possible

There may be no product that says Maryland like Old Bay seasoning. The rust-colored blend of herbs and spices has been included in recipes for everything from baked pumpkin seeds to chicken wings and of course, steamed blue crabs.

The question is how big of an ingredient the product will remain in Maryland's economy as its owner, McCormick, considers relocating.

Founded in 1889 as a maker of root beer, flavoring extracts and fruit syrups, McCormick is now a $9.3 billion company with spices and seasonings — Old Bay being the most famous — that sell in more than 110 countries. It is the sixth largest company in the state of Maryland, according to Forbes, and in its last fiscal year the company reported $389 million in profits.



  1. Someone tell O'Malley that there is no rain tax in Pa. or Va.

  2. I like J & O better.

  3. 5:50, Hey, DO YOU GET THE POINT OF THE ARTICLE? Here's ANOTHER business running away from Maryland.

    Keep voting for those LIBERALS.

  4. It won't be long until there's no businesses left here. Especially if another Democrat is voted Governor. I'm thinking I need to sell before the next election and get out of this state.

  5. the land of welfare and the richy rich... maryland, nothing inbetween.

  6. It's still the "land of pleasant living"! It's on the Western Shore...you don't really believe any of their tax money makes it across the bay to you??? If you do I have ocean front property in Colorado for sale.

  7. Thanks a lot, Marty Wannabe.

  8. No company will stay in md the way its going. ..

  9. I love coming to your site Joe. I miss Maryland but I don't miss the way the state is run by a bunch of liberal A$$holes.My family,and I packed up,and moved to Texas. It is truly a shame that people keep voting these dumb ass do nothing liberals that do not care about the tax payer.Anything that stands for the democratic party they vote for. The hell with taking the time to do the research on the politician they elect. Maryland voters wake the hell up.

  10. How long does Old Bay last? Does any one know? I'll probably start hoarding it. Is it the only thing that McCormick makes which is still sold in a can? I wonder if it's a flavor issue... I personally thought spices were better in cans. No one is moving businesses TO the State of Maryland, Joe.

  11. Right behind you, Old Bay!

  12. They should relocate to salisbury. They'd be a good fit.

  13. If they did it would take at least a year to get all of the permits, in Wicomico county, before they could be anywhere near up and running. Time is money.

  14. I own stock in McCormick. Very well run company. Just makes good business sense to leave Md. I'm sure old bay and all their other products will be readily available here. Someone ask owemalley why he thinks they are moving?


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