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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Letter to the Editor from Senator Richard F. Colburn

I would like by thank my District office and Annapolis office staff for their years of dedicated service to the citizens of the 37th District. I always worked to make constituent service my top priority and I would not have been successful in this without the hard work of my staff. I would also like to thank the countless supporters and volunteers who year after year have stood by me and worked tirelessly to promote me as your Shore Senator. I am also overwhelmed by the support I have received from friends and colleagues from across the State. I was born and raised on the Eastern Shore and it has been an honor and a privilege to represent the residents of the Shore in the Senate of Maryland.

Richard F. Colburn


  1. Class Act, Thanks

  2. Rich did more for our area than Addie will ever do. Didn't like his personal life choices, but he did a very good job for us. Thanks

  3. Rich, I supported you for years attending all of your events and donating my hard earned dollars. There was a time that you represented our district well but for the last several years it was obvious it became all about you and how you could milk the system. JC Watts quote fits this situation perfectly. "CHARACTER IS DOING WHAT IS RIGHT WHEN NOBODY'S LOOKING." Unfortunately, power destroyed you and it was time for a change. I'm grateful to Addie that she was willing to step up to the plate to try and make a change. I hope you can find yourself again.

  4. Now lets see if he shows up for work for the rest of the year

  5. Thank you for your service, sir.

  6. and now since I have no reason to obey the moral code of office I can really chase the bitches and don't worry my pimp hand will be strong again soon!

  7. The Daily Times gave him a parting shot on Sunday.

  8. Don't let the door hit you in the back! Good bye and good riddance!
    Another Career politician bites the dust. I would have liked to have seen someone new, but I believe Addie should do a great job. The problem is they come in with great intentions, but the power and money that comes with the office eventually corrupts them. Public service should never be a career. People get stale when in office too long.

  9. Odd how strict moral fibre is required of gop candidates, but dems are always off the hook and often do not have to apologize much less give up the position, or race, or whatever.

  10. To the ANONYMOUS commenter complaining your TWO comments were rejected, grow a pair and publish your name if you choose to DEFAME someone. Better yet, send a personal letter to Rich instead.

  11. I will say this about Rich, I saw him around and he was willing to be out in public. I can't say the same for any other candidates. Thank you for your time and effort. Still, It is time for a change.


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