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Sunday, June 01, 2014

U.S. Government Gives Virgin Galactic Permission To Start Planning Space Flights

Strap on your jetpacks and shine up your moon boots, because we’re going to space, y’all. Maybe not this minute or even this year, but if you can dream it, you can achieve it. At least if you’re super rich Sir Richard Branson and the U.S. government just told you you can start planning space flights.

Branson’s Virgin Galactic has been revvings its engines to take to the stars (or at least the Earth’s orbit) and now it’s got official clearance to start mapping those flights out, reports CNNMoney.


1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious,with humans being on a short leash and all.Think for just a second how ridiculous this is:we landed on the moon in 1969,and that is the last time a human being has stepped foot on another planet(if you call the moon a planet)We pose to much of a threat when we unleash the amount of energy necessary to leave Earth's atmosphere.We are doomed by the most basic law of physics,where every action has an equal and opposite reaction.That energy expenditure/output continues until it impacts another solid object.That object would most definitely be another heavenly body.That is why we are restricted to our own little part of space.We are simply too much of a threat to have unlimited space travel.


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