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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Terror Suspects Freed By Obama Admin. Were Labeled ‘High Risk’ In 2008: Report

All five terror suspects the Obama administration exchanged for the release of Sgt. Bowe Berghdahl on Saturday were deemed in a 2008 Pentagon dossier to be ‘high risk’ for launching attacks on American interests if released.

A Senior U.S. defense official confirmed the identities of the five Taliban commanders Saturday, the Daily Best reported.

Mullah Mohammad Fazl, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammed Nabi Omari are set to be released from Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in Cuba, The Daily Beast reported.

“They are undoubtedly among the most dangerous Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo,” said Thomas Joscelyn, a senior editor at the non-profit Long War Journal.



  1. Let me explain to those of you that don't know, what just happened here. This soldier was a deserter, and most likely a traitor. Do you know why the Taliban didn't have any other prisoners? Because they execute American troops, but this guy was their comrade. The war is nearing an end (as obama so ineptly publicized for the terrorists) and he is useless to them now, so they negotiated the release of 5 terrorists that will kill again, perhaps more Americans. And in return, we received a traitor that obama is using in a political ploy to say that "we don't leave our troops behind." Benghazi anyone? As a deserter he should get a DD and jail time, as a traitor he should be killed. But obama will have dinners for him and his family and pin a medal on his chest for being "ashamed to be an American."

  2. My guess is that the motivation for Obama was releasing the 5 Gitmo detainees - not the American.

  3. 4:12 Of course their his Muslim bro's.


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