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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sarbanes Trespasses On Albero Property: READ THE COMMENTS

Joe happened to go by his building in Pittsville today and had all Sarbanes signs and Volunteers removed from the property as they were illegally trespassing.

As of 4pm Republican are up 2-1 in Pittsville, according to the numbers.

Originally published on 6-24-14 at 4:25 PM. 


  1. Reminds me of the good ole days when signs were posted that said TRESSPASSERS WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT

  2. saw a sarbanes drone right outside the polling place when i left. standing right next to the door. i guess some folks are above the law.

  3. joe throw them bums out lol

    Go'on Gitttt lol

  4. All the College Kiddies at Salisbury Transgender University are out waiving at traffic with Sarbanes junk

  5. Joe was going past ward museum and honked my horn at the sarb crowd they looked at my truck and then my son gave them the thumbs Down......lol

  6. Joe -

    You can file a complaint with the State of MD Judicial Campaign Conduct Committee -- details here:


  7. Did they get served properly by the deputy dogs? I.e. Take the time to run each individual and hand them their official do not trespass Warning? Or did the assume everyone was a law abiding citizen that was breaking the law?

  8. 6:20 You giving Joe that advise like he is stupid or something, I think he knows the laws, lol DUH!!!

  9. The building is properly posted with NO TRESPASSING SIGNS.

    Look, I don't personally know Mr. Sarbanes and have nothing against the man but when someone is running for JUDGE and they ignore the NO TRESPASSING signs and violate the LAW, to me, that says a whole lot about that person.

    My phone number is at the top of this Blog and he had every opportunity to call and ASK and or apologize. I've not received a single call.

  10. Fuck you Albero, you loser. I am not going to apologize to you for anything, you worthless dirtbag.

  11. Well, that settles that now, doesn't it.

  12. Well, he just didn't think you would publish it, LOL

  13. Not defending anyone, but sometimes good money is paid for people to post ads in yards no matter whose yard it is.

  14. 9:31 - If that comment is from Sarbanes, I'm sure that comment just helped him tremendously, not! In my opinion, who is he to be judging anyone for anything anyway, with this past? In November, vote Caldwell.

  15. If Sarbanes were to win the election, I hope he keeps a list of all his donors, friends, volunteers and others who assisted on his campaign. He will need to recuse himself from any judicial matters involving those people.

  16. Who pissed in their cornflakes this morning lol.

  17. @10:13 That same holds true for Mr. Caldwell.

  18. Joe you should have REMOVED them yourself and BURNT them right in front of the volunteers on your PROPERTY!!!! They violated the law by putting them on your property - they DAMN sure would NOT have gotten them back!!!!!

  19. Cheating is nothing new to democrats, especially in Pittsville!

  20. Have him officially served. A man looks real good running for office while on paper!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Joe you should have REMOVED them yourself and BURNT them right in front of the volunteers on your PROPERTY!!!! They violated the law by putting them on your property - they DAMN sure would NOT have gotten them back!!!!!

    June 25, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    What a stupid comment. Have you ever heard of arson!

  22. See Joe I told you they were putting those signs all over the County illegally.

  23. Who cut the grass? If you had just left it waist high problem solved.

  24. Did you visit the town office while you were there to see if they have located all the stolen tax money?

  25. It is not "Mr." Sarbanes....it's "Judge" Sarbanes. As in "The Honorable". Get it right, whether you like it or not.

  26. 5:49 There is no honor being a crony blessed by political favors that have nothing to do with his, or lack thereof, personal achievements. Vote for experience, vote for MJ Caldwell.

  27. Sarbanes is putting signs on Railroad right-of-ways, Salisbury Sewer right-of-ways, & County right-of-ways. It's easy to tell because there are no individual residences or businesses around them.

    Caldwell has signs - front and center - of residences & businesses. This tells you a lot about the guy. I to will be voting for Caldwell.

  28. Tom Taylor is that really you posting. I thought you would go run and hide after your landslide loss. What is that now 3 losses for you? Just like Manure Bota changing parties thinking that would help. Go back to your old parties please because we don't like RINO's.

  29. I really don't see the necessity of
    disfiguring the site with someones
    fowel language. It's just feeding the "source!"


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