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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Barrie Tilghman Shills for Sarbanes -- Unbelievable

Today's Daily Times has an article by Barry Tilghman urging voters to support Spyros Sarbanes over M. J. Caldwell. In several hundred words she argues without offering any specific details that Sarbanes is qualified and “has the unique judgment and temperament to navigate the fine points of the law.” This by someone who says (in the last paragraph) that it was not until she was Salisbury's (worst ever) Mayor that she learned that judges "rule" in both civil and criminal cases, in which "their decisions make a difference in our quality of life."

Stripped of its empty rhetoric, Tilghman's letter argues that Sarbanes should be the judge because he was appointed by O'Malley. No mention of Caldwell's much greater experience as a lawyer or the County bar vote in favor of him. And, of course, no mention of the criminal and civil cases against Sarbanes.

The height of absurdity is her claim that "governors ultimately choose the best-qualified candidate for appointment." Why, then, do we have judicial elections for circuit court judges? This one certainly presents the answer that question: to protect the public.

Does anyone really think that without his family’s political connections he would have been appointed by O’Malley?


  1. In other words, do as I do because I'm much more intelligent than you.

    I wonder what the spin is when Barrie recounts her successes as a mayor.

  2. Help correct O'Malley's mistake -- vote for Caldwell!

  3. Not a chance if not for the family ties

  4. Not qualified.


  5. It's simple. Most people has figured out that the current administration has been catastrophic when representing the people. Simply avoid electing anyone with ties to the current political gang in Annapolis.

  6. Do we really want to have to endure months or years of remedial training for someone that has no jury trial experience whatsoever?

    It is the hight of foolishness to say "Oh well, the Governor appointed him, who are we to question that?"

    But the Maryland Constitution provides for the correction of that by we, the people.

  7. Once I saw his name was on the list I knew he would get the appointment regardless of his experience. I did not vote for him because I do not believe he is the best qualified.

  8. Remember what happened when the Trojan Horse was let into the City?

    'Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts'

    I sure hope the public doesn't forget this analogy.

  9. Be funny if it weren't so disgusting. Advice from a misfit who is responsible for turning Salisbury into the Arm Pit of the Eastern Shore is not something anyone should take to heart. Her low standards show what a loser she truly is.

  10. She has hurt Sarbanes chance of winning by this letter. Everyone now knows what she was and what she stood for.
    Goodby Sarbanes and Hello Caldwell!

  11. I think the point was the governors from both parties have appointed people outside their party, and sometimes they have other information that is taken into account. If you only take away that we shouldn't question the governor, you aren't looking to read this objectively. I support the right of anyone to write a letter in support of their candidate. It isn't unusual to not mention the opponent in such a letter. If only we could all show such restraint.

  12. She wrote Sarbanes is "legally well-equipped to serve on the Circuit Court."

    That cannot be a serious statement.

    A Circuit Court's primary cases are all jury trials, serious criminal, complex civil, and family law (including child custody).


    (1) Has never been lead counsel in ANY jury trial.

    (2) Has never tried a criminal case in Circuit Court.

    (3) Has no experience as lead counsel in complex civil litigation.

    (4) Has never done a contested divorce or child custody case.

    How can he possibly make him legally well-equipped to serve on the Circuit Court" ?

    if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..... it's probably a duck (duh).

    MJ is overwhelmingly the better choice.

  13. Quoting BT's letter: "Serving three terms as Salisbury's mayor taught me many things. I learned that the judges who serve us rule not only in criminal cases, but also in civil cases."

    Even if she didn't go to college, she should have learned that in high school.

    The rest of .her letter is mush that's not worth reading.

    Vote for Caldwell residents and correct O'Malley's insult to Wicomico County.

  14. Two things easily persuade me to vote for MJ Caldwell.

    1) Dinglebarrie Tilmons endorsement and;

    2) The idiot is a Democrat.

  15. Had no intention of voting for Sarbanes and sure wouldn't now.

  16. Joe -

    What's really unbelievable is that Barrie is the only person Sarbanes could get to write that bunk.

    Can you say "desperation"?

  17. What's sad is some idiot will vote for Spyros because they are uninformed and they vote for him because of her letter. They are low informed and IGNORANT!

  18. Anyone who votes for a Democrat is a pure idiot.

  19. Barrie really learned about criminal cases after that episode between her daughter and Rachel Polk back in the day!

  20. Barrie Tilghman was the tipping point for Salisbury. Bringing this city out of the good ole boy dark ages and embracing all cultures in the best and largest city on the Eastern Shore. Time to prove that the Eastern Shore is not the s--t house of Maryland, but a beautiful pristine and wonderful place to live.

  21. Did anyone expect anything different? Barrie will slum for any Democrat, regardless of qualifications. Oh, wait. He has no qualifications. No bother, she'll pump him up anyways!

    Glad to be rid of the Witch!

  22. Phil Tilghman still runs the democrat good ole boys and I'm sure Barrie is just pimping their boy toy as she was told to do. She's still someone's gopher and carrying water for the losers.

  23. Gosh, if Barrie thinks that Jimmy would be the best choice, then what's there left to say? After all, haven't her choices over the years been the best for everyone?

  24. The appointment was a slap in the face to Wicomico County.

    Sarbanes may be a nice guy, but he does not have any appreciable experience in the very Court he was appointed to.

    How can that possibly be "qualified"?

  25. To 2:47 Posting - Ditto

    Annapolis has done enough damage to the eastern shore. They have destroyed our lands, property rights, catastrophically destroyed our job base and now want to dominate our populace with a greenhorn judge that was appointed by a tyrant.

    I hope the people of Wicomico send a clear message back across the Bay. I WILL BE VOTING FOR MELVIN CALDWELL.

  26. The powers that be in Annapolis may have thought they could sneak this by......


    Experience counts. Sadly, those same folks in Annapolis decided qualified means something other than it's plain meaning.

    Time for "we the people" to correct this.

    Tomorrow counts.

  27. This is not the time to gamble on this election. Vote for experience!

  28. Vote Republican. If anyone votes Democrat they are considered Traitors!

  29. 7:59 How about voting for the most qualified person, regardless of that letter next to their name. Caldwell is the clear cut best judge, of the two, and needs to be elected.

  30. Sarbanes hasn't tried a case in Circuit Court and now he's the judge?!!! We need to exercise our right to fix the governor's purely partisan appointment. the State Bar said that Caldwell was highly qualified and Sarbanes was NOT qualified. If Sarbanes had no family connections, he would have never been considered.

  31. Clueless welfare Queen just like Laura Mitchelle.

  32. 9:16am I am assuming 7:59 hit a soft spot. You must be the idiot traitor who is to stupid to change parties.

  33. I would rather have a dose of clap than vote for Spyros the Greek Geek or Dinglebarrie Tillmon.

  34. Fake Day is a Sarbanes supporter as well -- look at the campaign finance statements.

  35. I would have voted for him until I saw this article. He just lost 4 votrs at ny house.


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